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cetacean Meaning in Tamil ( cetacean வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cetacean's Usage Examples:

So well fed and watered we headed off to spot some more cetaceans with Susie's warnings ringing in our ears.

Silurian Surveys The HWDT research vessel Silurian is the perfect platform from which to study Hebridean cetaceans.

To read about the stranded cetacean, Dan Jarvis from BDMLR has very kindly produced this click here report for you to read.

NARWHAL, the Scandinavian name of a cetacean (Monodon inonoceros), characterized by the presence in the male of a long horn-like tusk.

cetacean sightings in 1991, I set out several aims for the project.

He believes that the cetacean approaches not only rocks, but ships, in the hope of freeing itself from its lodgers.

It is the commonest cetacean in the seas round the British Isles, and not infrequently ascends the Thames, having been seen as high as Richmond; it has also been observed in the Seine at Neuilly, near Paris.

Andrews has, moreover, not only brought forward additional evidence in favour of this most remarkable line of descent, but is confident - which Professor Fraas was not - that Zeuglodon itself is an ancestral cetacean, and consequently that whales are the highly modified descendants of creodonts.

identifying cetaceans at sea is never easy; when watching from a ferry the observer is faced with some significant difficulties.

Like most cetaceans it is gregarious and usually met with in "schools" or herds of fifteen or twenty individuals.

DOLPHIN, a name properly belonging to the common cetacean mammal known as Delphinus delphis, but also applied to a number of more or less nearly allied species.

The Directive requires that member states monitor the incidental capture and killing of all cetaceans.

The species affected include wahoo, various sharks, undersized swordfish, cetaceans and turtles.





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