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cetaceans Meaning in Tamil ( cetaceans வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cetaceans's Usage Examples:

So well fed and watered we headed off to spot some more cetaceans with Susie's warnings ringing in our ears.

Silurian Surveys The HWDT research vessel Silurian is the perfect platform from which to study Hebridean cetaceans.

identifying cetaceans at sea is never easy; when watching from a ferry the observer is faced with some significant difficulties.

Like most cetaceans it is gregarious and usually met with in "schools" or herds of fifteen or twenty individuals.

The Directive requires that member states monitor the incidental capture and killing of all cetaceans.

The species affected include wahoo, various sharks, undersized swordfish, cetaceans and turtles.

This information can be used to help protect cetaceans in our waters.

The EU Habitats and Species Directive affords protection to several animal groups, including cetaceans.

In the southern and western islands the fauna is restricted mainly to foxes, bats, rats, mice, the sea otter, the penguin and other aquatic birds, and various cetaceans in the surrounding waters.

It must be admitted, however, that the links between Zeuglodon and typical cetaceans are at present unknown; but it may be hoped that these will be eventually brought to light from the deposits of the Mokattam Range, near Cairo.

My main interests are in studying many aspects of the common dolphin population in the Northeast Atlantic, and reproductive biology in small cetaceans.

Your local wildlife trust will be able to advise you on the nearest places to see cetaceans.

meerschwein, although the word is commonly used by sailors to designate all the smaller cetaceans, especially those numerous species which naturalists call "dolphins," it is properly restricted to the common porpoise of the British' seas (Phocaena communis, or P.

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