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cete Meaning in Tamil ( cete வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




cete தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உற்பத்தியும், தயாரிப்பும் கனடா நாள் (Canada Day, Fête du Canada) என்பது கனடாவின் தேசிய நாளும், பொது விடுமுறை நாளும் ஆகும்.

The French Culture Ministry's website on the Fête de la Musique (in French, international section also available in English).

பிரான்சில் இந்நாள் "Fête Nationale" ("தேசிய விடுமுறை நாள்"), அல்லது "quatorze juillet" ("14ம் நாள் ஜூலை") என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.

1844 பிறப்புகள் உலக இசை நாள் (World Music Day, Fête de la Musique, Music Day, Make Music Day என்பது ஆண்டுதோறும் சூன் 21 அன்று நிகழ்த்தப்படும் இசைக் கொண்டாட்டங்கள் ஆகும்.

cete's Usage Examples:

Discipline, properly practiced, uses a multifaceted approach, including models, rewards, and punishments that teach and reinforce desired behavior.

- Now that Brefeld's view of the origin of these forms from the Zygomycetes has been overthrown, the relationship of the higher and lower forms of fungi is left in obscurity.

Similarly we are unable to divide Schizomycetes sharply into parasites and saprophytes, since it is well proved that a number of species - facultative parasites - can become one or the other according to circumstances.

The fungal part of the organism nearly always consists of a number of the Discomycetes or Pyrenomycetes, while the algal portion is a member of the Schizophyceae (Cyanophyceae or Blue-green Algae) or of the Green Algae; only in a very few cases is the fungus a member of the Basidiomycetes.

Oomycetes : Wager, "On the Fertilization of Peronospora parasi.

""Gauges," as understood at one time, included only those used in the measurement of barrels, casks, etcetera, and hence the term "gauger.

While that is definitely an important part of a woman's wardrobe, there's room for all of us to be as multifaceted as we please.

611; Pelagatti, " Blastomycetes and Hyaline degeneration," Arch.

It is made on a large scale from lime or lemon juice, and also by the fermentation of glucose under the influence of Citromycetes pfefferianus, C.

The algal fungi, Phycomycetes, are obviously derived from the Green Algae, while the remaining Fungi, the Eumycetes, appear to have sprung from the same stock as the Rhodophyceae.

A portable, battery-operated meter for determining the Brewster angles of faceted gemstones using polarized laser light is described.

Smith remarks that it has "distinctly faceted black eyes," although in them "there are only a very few visual elements at the tips of the immobile eye-stalks.

Faceted stones, cabochons, and beads are all available from reputable jewelry supply stores or gemstone merchants.

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