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barriers Meaning in Tamil ( barriers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தடை வேலி,

barriers தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒரு திறனேற்ற கசிவு தடை வேலியாக ஒளியைப் பெறும் அடுக்கான போரோன் நிட்ரிடாக ஹைட்ரஜனைக் கொண்டிருக்கும் படிக உருவமற்ற சிலிக்கானை ஒரு பதிப்பு பயன்படுத்துகிறது.

barriers's Usage Examples:

Pierre, hardly restraining his sobs, began running toward Dolokhov and was about to cross the space between the barriers, when Dolokhov cried:I lay awake for hours until I finally dozed, dreaming of space ships and aliens with toupees.

In Shelley's "Evening: Ponte al Mare, Pisa," 20, "By darkest barriers of enormous cloud" for "cinereous"; " Hymn to Mercury" (trans.

segregatelass"ex">Segregating pedestrians from vehicles either by barriers or distance: this remains in HSE's view the best control measure in most circumstances.

New Zealand was poorly stocked with a weak flora; the more robust and aggressive one of the north temperate region was ready at any moment to invade it-, but was held back by physical barriers which human aid has alone enabled it to surpass.

O'er all barriers on!The surface within these barriers amounts to about 3700 acres.

electric go-karts specially designed for children are easy to drive and safe with remote cut out and padded karts and barriers.

The main goal of the session is to break through self-denial barriers and diversion that family victims have been practicing, and to make the addict aware of the impact their addiction is having on their loved ones and significant others.

Jenn felt the last of his barriers fall as her own did in the face of their unspoken promise of complete surrender between lifemates.

Hence their attachment to Peisistratus, the "man of the people," who called upon them to sweep away the last barriers which separated rich and poor, nobles and commoners, city and countryside.

This Roman civilization was, however, destined to be swamped by the current of Teutonic immigration, which finally broke down the barriers of the Roman empire and overwhelmed the whole of the Rhenish district.

The direct geographical elements are the arrangement of land and sea (continents and islands standing in sharp contrast) and the vertical relief of the globe, which interposes barriers of a less absolute kind between portions of the same land area or oceanic depression.

(2) Medical missions, which have done much to break down barriers of prejudice, especially in Kashmir under Dr Elmslie of the Church Missionary Society, and in Rajputana at Jaipur under Dr Valentine of the United Presbyterians.


balustrade, starting gate, dike, dyke, hurdle, starting stall, railing, impedimenta, seawall, wing, obstructor, dam, revetment, movable barrier, obstructer, bulwark, fence, handrail, banister, groin, balusters, bannister, grating, crash barrier, barricade, jetty, breakwater, roadblock, impediment, fencing, mole, rail, grate, obstruction, fender, groyne,


agree, euphonious, free, walk, cheer,

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