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barrows Meaning in Tamil ( barrows வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இரண்டு சக்கரக் கை வண்டி,

barrows's Usage Examples:

The custom of constructing barrows or mounds of stone or earth over the remains of the dead was a characteristic feature of the sepulchral systems of primitive times.

Their little wheelbarrows are lined up in their allotment shed, each bearing the name of a child.

Besides varied and beautiful weapons, frequently exhibiting high workmanship, amulets, coronets, diadems of solid gold, and vases of elegant form and ornamentation in gold and bronze are found in the barrows.

"Humans eat plants and macaronis and –" "Meatballs!""Humans eat plants and macaronis and –" "Meatballs!"Meath, there is a group of about thirty stone barrows or cairns, mostly chambered, their bases measuring from 5 or 6 to 60 yds.

The sow is a prolific breeder and good mother, weighing, when mature but not fat, 450 lb - the boar averaging 600 lb, and barrows at six to eight months 350 lb.

Comparing the results of the researches in European barrows with such notices of barrow-burial as may be gleaned from early writings, we find them mutually illustrative.

Meath, there is a group of about thirty stone barrows or cairns, mostly chambered, their bases measuring from 5 or 6 to 60 yds.

Whether they were sailing the ships, pushing the barrows, driving a forklift, or pushing a pen, made no difference.

Traditional wheelbarrows also needed a lot of maintenance to keep in good working order.

The barrows which cover the plains of ancient Scythia attest the truth of this description.

traditional wheelbarrows also needed a lot of maintenance to keep in good working order.

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In some of the barrows in central France, and in the wolds of Yorkshire, the interments include the arms and accoutrements of a charioteer, with his chariot, harness and horses.


tumulus, mound, hill, burial mound, grave mound,


outfield, natural depression, push,

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