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barrister Meaning in Tamil ( barrister வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மா வழக்கறிஞர்,

barrister தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

1885-இல் இந்தியா திரும்பிய சியாம்ஜி கிருஷ்ண வர்மா வழக்கறிஞர் தொழில் துவக்கினார்.

barrister's Usage Examples:

Advocates took the place of barristers, and proctors of solicitors.

Gary Webber was a practicing barrister for 22 years specializing in property law.

"They preferred an unwritten law, as Prutz suggests, partly because it suited the barristers (who often belonged to the baronage, for the Frankish nobles were "great pleaders in court and out of court"), and partly because the high court was left unbound so long as there was no written code.

He became a barrister at a at h ers Bastia in June 1788, and was soon elected a councillor of the municipality of Ajaccio.

After visiting the chief medical schools on the continent, he returned to Ireland in 1788; but the sudden death of his elder brother, Christopher Temple Emmet (1761-1788), a barrister of some distinction, induced him to follow the advice of Sir James Mackintosh to forsake medicine for the law as a profession.

In 1879, she married Richard Pankhurst, a Manchester barrister and radical who authored the first women 's suffrage bill in Britain.

In the absence of such consent, the bishop may hear the cause with three assessors, of whom one shall be a barrister of seven years' standing and another the dean of the cathedral, or one of the archdeacons, or the chancellor.

In England red vestments are worn at the mass (of the Holy Spirit) attended by the Roman Catholic judges and barristers at the opening of term, the so-called "Red Mass.

The faculties of law confer the same degrees in law and also grant certificates of capacity, which enable the holder to practise as an avou; a licence is necessary for the profession of barrister.


serjeant-at-law, sergeant-at-law, Counsel to the Crown, serjeant, lawyer, sergeant, attorney,



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