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barber Meaning in Tamil ( barber வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முடி திருத்தும் தொழிலாளி, நாவிதன்,

barber தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அது மட்டுமல்லாமல் முடி திருத்தும் தொழிலாளிகள் முடி திருத்த மறுத்தார்கள்.

barber's Usage Examples:

Stofflet, a gamekeeper, and the barber Gaston.

The climate mandarins who once told Meyer to visit the barber are now seeking his advice.

Weedy barber joins Keep Fit campaign to impress pretty manicurist.

They have blacksmiths, coppersmiths and goldsmiths among them, besides carpenters, barbers and other artisans.

In later documents mention is made of eighteen gilds of work-people, whose names are nowhere given, but they probably included workers in wood, workers in metal, workers in stone, weavers, leather-workers, potters, ivory-workers, dyers, fisher-folk, butchers, hunters, cooks, barbers, flowersellers, sailors, basket-makers and painters.

These teleutospores remain inactive on the straw until spring, when they germinate in manure heaps or on moist ground and produce minute sporidia, which are conveyed by air currents to the alternate host, in this case a barberry.

He started work at the age of seven in a ropeworks, attending the wheel of a rope-spinner for ten hours a day, and on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings toiled in a barber's shop.

In due time the fungus, known as Aecidium Berberidis, appears on the barberry leaves in the form of small cluster-cups on aecidia, each of which is filled with chains of orange-coloured aecidiospores.

Among the most prominent of these men in addition to Brae, Chevalier and Chabannes, were Tristan Lermite, Jean de Daillon, Olivier le Dain (the barber), and after 1472, Philippe de Commines, drawn from the service of Charles the Bold of Burgundy, who became his most intimate adviser and biographer.

"In the previous year (39) his mother had been banished by order of her brother Caligula (Gains) on a charge of treasonable conspiracy, and Nero, thus early deprived of both parents, found shelter in the house of his aunt Domitia, where two slaves, a barber and a dancer, began his training.

) penetrate a few very stunted oaks (Quercus subalpina), the junipers already mentioned and a barberry (Berberis cretica), which sometimes spreads into close thickets.

He degrades his vizier to the office of barber, taking all his goods in the process; and makes the barber his vizier.

barbers chair with built in vacuum powered hair removal.


groom, neaten,


disqualify, disorder, uglify,

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