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barbers Meaning in Tamil ( barbers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முடி திருத்தும் தொழிலாளி, நாவிதன்,

barbers தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அது மட்டுமல்லாமல் முடி திருத்தும் தொழிலாளிகள் முடி திருத்த மறுத்தார்கள்.

barbers's Usage Examples:

They have blacksmiths, coppersmiths and goldsmiths among them, besides carpenters, barbers and other artisans.

In later documents mention is made of eighteen gilds of work-people, whose names are nowhere given, but they probably included workers in wood, workers in metal, workers in stone, weavers, leather-workers, potters, ivory-workers, dyers, fisher-folk, butchers, hunters, cooks, barbers, flowersellers, sailors, basket-makers and painters.

barbers chair with built in vacuum powered hair removal.

barbershop singing, Zac has been involved in music for most of his life.

The first barbershop was a surprise smash; even more surprising is how good this sequel is.

Calvin (Ice Cube) is running the barbershop started by his late father.

barbershop singers with over 300 groups now available from this site.

Even in modern times travellers relate how, when an auspicious day has been proclaimed by the astrologers, the streets of Bagdad may be seen running with blood from the barbers' shops.

Other persons attached to a temple were priests, augurs, sacrificers, barbers, officials in charge of the curtains, masons, 'c.

barbershop chorus in the UK and the current UK ' Ireland Champions.

Then the client again entered the barbershop and he said to the barber: " know what?Musical Group: Instrumental groups, cover bands or barbershop quartets are a great option for an adult birthday party.


groom, neaten,


disqualify, disorder, uglify,

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