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astringe Meaning in Tamil ( astringe வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கட்டி இறுக்கு

astringe's Usage Examples:

It is incompatible with potassium, calcium, mercury and vegetable astringents.

The perchloride, sulphate and pernitrate are strongly astringent; less extensively they are used in chronic discharges from the vagina, rectum and nose, while injected into the rectum they destroy worms.

Calcium salts form insoluble soaps with fats, and combine with albumen in a manner which makes them soothing and astringent rather than irritating.

When given medicinally preparations of iron have an astringent taste, and the teeth and tongue are blackened owing to the formation of sulphide of iron.

If the latex is warmed or an acid, an alkali or astringent plant juice is added to it, " coagulation " usually takes place more or less readily, the caoutchouc separating in solid flakes or curds.

The witch hazel is quite a distinct plant, Hamamelis virginica, of the natural order Hamamalideae, the astringent bark of which is used in medicine.

As contrasted with opium it differs in being less astringent and constipating.

odoriferous flowers of fancy?Dioscorides refers to it as agallochon, a wood brought from Arabia or India, which was odoriferous but with an astringent and bitter taste.

Soluble salts of manganese, aluminium, zinc, copper, gold, platinum and bismuth have, when given by the mouth, little action beyond their local astringent or irritating effects; but when injected into a blood vessel they all exert much the same depressing effect upon the heart and nervous system.

'In cases where diarrhoea is very obstinate and lasts for weeks, sulphuric acid is sometimes more efficacious than alkalis; and in chronic colics it may be necessary to treat the mucous membrane by local application of astringent solutions.

Made from the purest oils and herbal astringents its aroma is reminiscent of dewy rose petals, freshly picked tangerines and Juniper Berries.

rheum palmatum promotes the action of the liver and flow of bile without astringent effects on the business.

The eucalypts are remarkable for the oil secreted in their leaves, and the large quantity of astringent resin of their bark.


compact, squeeze, constrict, contract, compress, press,


disarrange, prolix, refrain, undercharge, decompression,

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