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astrolabe Meaning in Tamil ( astrolabe வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

முற்கால உயர்வுமானி

astrolabe's Usage Examples:

Chaucer wrote a treatise on the astrolabe; Milton constantly refers to planetary influences; in Shakespeare's King Lear, Gloucester and Edmund represent respectively the old and the new faith.

'No material advance was made on Ptolemy's instrument until Tycho Brahe, whose elaborate armillary spheres passing into astrolabes are figured in his Astronjmiae Instauratae Mechanica.

These works are lost; but their titles, combined with expressions in the letters of Synesius, who consulted her about the construction of an astrolabe and a hydroscope, indicate that she devoted herself specially to astronomy and mathematics.

The principle of the astrolabe is explained in fig.

He was the author also of a mathematical work on the use of the astrolabe and of a book (Muhit, " the ocean ") on the navigation of the Indian seas.

No material advance was made on Ptolemy's instrument until Tycho Brahe, whose elaborate armillary spheres passing into astrolabes are figured in his Astronjmiae Instauratae Mechanica.

), and it is of great interest as an example of the armillary sphere passing into the spherical astrolabe.

He was taught the use of the astrolabe (which Prince Yakov Dolgoruki, with intent to please, had brought him from Paris) by a Dutchman, Franz Timmerman, who also instructed him in the rudiments of geometry and fortifications.

) being the first contributions of moment furnished by a European to this subject, Hermann was for a time considered the inventor of the astrolabe.

A collection of circles such as is the armillary sphere, if each circle were fitted with a view-tube, might be considered a complete astrolabe.

He wrote also treatises on the astrolabe (a copy of this is in the British Museum), on the abacus (three copies exist in the Vatican library, the library of Leiden University and the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris), translations of the Kharismian Tables and an Arabic Introduction to Astronomy.

Bookmark: Sloane astrolabe An adaptation of the earliest known European astrolabe, from England, around AD 1300.

The astrolabe quadrant or cross-staff enabled the mariner to determine"his latitude with a certain amount of accuracy, but for his longitude 1 See fig.





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