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structure Meaning in marathi ( structure शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

रचना, पाकबारी, देखावा,


संसाधने, देखावा, रचना, या व्यतिरिक्त, आकार,

structure मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अनटोल्ड स्टोरीज ऑफ द वाॅर (इंग्रजी, लेखिका कारगीलच्या युद्धात सहभागी असलेल्या कॅप्टन मनोज रावत यांच्या पत्नी - रचना बिष्ट रावत).

मराठ्यांच्या इतिहासाच्या आंतरीक ओढीमुळे , हिंदी भाषेतील ऐतिहासिक साधनांचा शोध घेत असताना, कवी भूषण यांच्या ब्रजभाषेतील शिवचरित्रावरील काव्यरचना काटेंच्या हाती लागल्या.

त्यामुळे ह्या किल्ल्याची रचना तीन वेगवेगळ्या भागांनी बनलेली आहे.

महात्मा गांधीनी रचनात्मक कार्यांची संकल्पना मांडली आणि देशभरात हजारो कार्यकर्ते त्या दिशेने वाट चालू लागले.

त्याने आपल्या सैन्याची रचना पायदळ, घोडदळ, अभियांत्रिकी अशा अनेक विभागांत केली होती.

खुद्दका निकाय (‘लघु संग्रह’) सुत्त पिटकामध्ये पाच निकयांपैकी शेवटचा संग्रह आहे, जो थेरवाद बौद्ध धर्माच्या पाली तिपिटाकांची रचना करणार्‍या “तीन पिटका” पैकी एक आहे.

ह्या रचनांचा संदर्भ "दिव्य देशम्‌" शी निगडित आहे.

हा कर्नाटक संगीतातील श्रेष्ठ रचनाकार, संगीतशास्त्रज्ञ, वीणावादक व गायक होता.

पीटर फॉस्टर हा आधी रॉयल ब्रुनेई विमान परिवहन मंडळाचा मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी होता आणि १ ऑक्टोबर २००५ ला विमान परिवहन मंडळाचा अध्यक्ष म्हणून रुजू झाला, तेव्हापासून बनविलेले विकास योजना आणि व्यवस्थापन रचना अजूनही बदलेले नाहीत.

आयुकाच्या कॅम्पसची रचना प्रसिद्ध भारतीय वास्तुशास्त्रज्ञ चार्ल्स कोर्रिआ यांनी केली.

प्राचीन काळी शास्त्राशी संबंधित विषयांवर ग्रंथरचना करणाऱ्या विद्वानांना महामहोपाध्याय ही पदवी दिली जात असे.

सौर ऊर्जा एकाच प्रकारची संरचना असलेल्या व कार्य करणार्‍या पेशीसमूहाला ऊती म्हणतात.

structure's Usage Examples:

In 1799, he went into business with his brothers, Joseph and Angier McIntire, who erected the structures, while at the workshop he oversaw various ornamentations, including the swags, rosettes, garlands and sheaves of wheat which dominate the interior wooden surfaces.

Pre-bureaucratic (entrepreneurial) structures lack standardization of tasks.

Note that, unlike most plasma structures, the Lorentz force and the Magnus force, \rho\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{v} , play equivalent roles.

The structure was built in 1817, making it the 12th oldest surviving building in Toronto and the oldest remaining brick house.

Portions of the specialized structures used to house the chimps were dismantled and moved to the Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest in Cle Elum.

The site has also yielded the first definitive proof of Parsi (Zoroastrian) occupation at Sanjan in the form of a dokhma or Tower of Silence (a uniquely Zoroastrian mortuary structure).

More importantly, the deal brought a formal structure to owner–player relations, including written procedures for the arbitration of player grievances before the commissioner.

understanding the structure of abelian groups, especially because they are the injective abelian groups.

developed coaching and refereeing education for the youth levels, and helped systemize the competition structure around the country for high school rugby.

Many older structures were submerged, and new buildings have been built higher up.

Both younger mature red drum (3-6 years of age) and bull red drum prefer rocky outcroppings including jetties and manmade structures, such as oil rigs and bridge posts.

fruit having the structure and texture of a drupe, but which does not precisely fit the definition of a drupe.


defence, cardcastle, mound, colonnade, span, memorial, establishment, repair shed, erection, entablature, understructure, platform, equilibrium, deathtrap, arch, house of cards, lookout station, fountain, housing, hangar, arena, slipway, bowl, porch, foundation, trestlework, setoff, sail, impedimenta, balcony, ways, whorl, edifice, card-house, fundament, set-back, obstructer, area, superstructure, post and lintel, column, door, corner, volute, counterbalance, sports stadium, living accommodations, arcade, landing place, tower, shelter, obstruction, hull, masonry, floor, transept, observatory, lookout, airdock, base, offset, defense, wellhead, plate, altar, prefab, false bottom, shipway, monument, lamination, boarding, landing, guide, defensive structure, supporting structure, complex, coil, artefact, bridge, cross, groundwork, level, artifact, storey, wind tunnel, substructure, balance, construction, vaulting, observation tower, story, shoebox, divider, foot, cardhouse, honeycomb, projection, quoin, obstructor, hill, bascule, stadium, sign, body, lodging, structural member, pillar, partition, spiral, public works, impediment, catchment, building complex, helix, signboard, jungle gym, building, weapons platform, equipoise,


uncoiled, straight line, disassembly, disproportion, natural object,

structure's Meaning in Other Sites