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struggling Meaning in marathi ( struggling शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

संघर्ष करत आहे, कुस्ती,



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struggling मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यानंतर २०१४ मध्ये अस्ताना येथे झालेल्या आशियाई कुस्ती स्पर्धेत तिने कांस्यपदक पटकावले.

तो एकेकाळी जगातील सर्वोत्तम कुस्तीपटूंमध्ये समावेश होता.

योगेश्वर दत्त - कुस्ती.

यात मोठ मोठे कुस्ती मल्ल.

खेळाडू म्हणून कारकीर्द संपल्यावर ते कुस्ती-प्रशिक्षक म्हणून काम करत होते.

तिसर्‍या दिवशी रिळे याञा कमिटीतर्फ कुस्तीचा आखाडा भरतो.

औरंगाबाद शहर कुस्तीगीर परिषद.

कुस्तीपटू असल्याने तो कुस्ती समुदायाच्या नियमांचे तो पालन करतो.

२०१३ आशियाई कुस्ती अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धा : नवी दिल्ली येथे झालेल्या या स्पर्धेत बजरंगने ६० किलो वजनी गटात कांस्य पदक मिळवले.

ह्या ठिकाणी भव्य कुस्ती स्पर्धांचे आयोजन करण्यात येतात .

या पदामुळे जागतिक कुस्ती अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धेत दोन वेळा पदके मिळवणारा तो पहिलाच भारतीय ठरला.

सामन्यात धावने, भालाफेक, थाळीफेक, कुस्ती, कसरती इत्यादींचा समावेश असे.

कुस्तीच्या कामी मल्लखांबाचा उपयोग कसा व किती होतो याचा अंदाज तुम्हाला आलाच असेल; पण त्याशिवाय नुसता व्यायामाचा प्रकार म्हणून देखील मल्लखांब फार वरच्या दर्जाचा मनाला जातो.

struggling's Usage Examples:

World War II and sinceThe Promethean agenda continued, during World War II, to interest other countries, including Germany (especially in regard to Ukraine), Finland (struggling with the Soviet Union), France and the Soviet Union's neighbor, Turkey.

Although immature and tending to fly off the handle, she assists Mike in organizing his struggling business, volunteering.

The lazy lifestyles of Homer and Bart have taken their toll on the house, which is now a disorganized, filthy hovel with trash, and Lisa struggling to make ends meet.

1992's A Walk Among the Tombstones sees him struggling with Elaine's role as a prostitute (as well as a pair of violent kidnappers), while 1994's A Long Line of Dead Men ends with the two marrying.

of gargoyles from another land, struggling to stop a prophecy from ending their race.

Also, the film is similar to Fellini's 8½, in that it is about an artist struggling with his current relationships and remembering his old ones, interspersed with dream sequences, as well as his work being based on events from his life.

is part of a group of macroraptorial sperm whales (often shortened to "raptorial") which tended to be apex predators using their large teeth to catch struggling.

24: Season 8In Season 8, Chloe is re-employed by the revived CTU, but is at times struggling with the new hardware, software and interfaces; dialogue between her and Head of CTU Brian Hastings (Mykelti Williamson) indicates that Morris has lost his job and Chloe is keeping the family afloat.

During his time at Kadokawa Shoten, Haruki Kadokawa was often hailed as the savior of Japan's struggling film industry.

Here is the picture of a relentless worker, frequently struggling with ill health, obstinate in his determination to make enough to live on, groaning under the self-imposed burden of his life of Wagner.

own life, back when he was a struggling student and would occasionally shoplift or write other students" essays (an academic offence) to make ends meet.




quiet, untroubled,

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