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struggle Meaning in marathi ( struggle शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रयत्न, अथक प्रयत्न कर, संघर्ष करणे, चिकाटी,


संघर्ष, स्पर्धा,



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struggle मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

समाजातील वाईट प्रवृत्तीविरुद्ध संघर्ष करणे ही त्यांची खासियत.

त्यामध्ये क्लारा झेटकिन या कम्युनिस्ट कार्यकर्तीने `सार्वत्रिक मतदानाचा हक्क मिळवण्यासाठी संघर्ष करणे हे समाजवादी स्त्रियांचे कर्तव्य आहे.

वर्गमुक्त, जातमुक्त आणि पुरोगामी नवसमाज तयार करण्यासाठी संघर्ष करणे, दलितांचे मुक्ती लढे अहिंसात्मक पद्धतीने लढणे हा या संघटनेचा मुख्य कार्यक्रम होता.

१९५७ व १९६४ साली हा लेख पुन्हा सुधारणा करून व वर्ग शोषाणाविरुद्धच्या संघर्षात जात असमानतेविरुद्धा संघर्ष करणे कसे महत्त्वाचे आहे, हे त्यांनी आंबेडकरांचे व्यवस्थित समजावून सांगितले.

९) भारतीय संविधानाने दिलेल्या आरक्षण, सवलती, नोकरी हे अबाधित राहावे याकरिता अहोरात्र संघर्ष करणे.

स्वतःवर होणारे अन्याय समजणे, स्वतःला मिळणार्‍या दुय्यम स्थानाबद्दल असमाधान निर्माण होणे, स्त्रीच्या पारंपरिक भूमिकेला नकार देणे, स्वतःच्या सामर्थ्याबद्दल विश्वास असणे, अन्याया-विरुद्ध आवाज उठविण्याची मानसिक ताकद असणे, समान स्थान मिळविण्यासाठी संघर्ष करणे, स्वतःला समाजाच्या मध्यप्रवाहात एक व्यक्ती म्हणून संस्थापित करणे इ.

महाराष्ट्राच्या व मराठी माणसाच्या विकासासाठी त्याच्या आड येणाऱ्या सर्व समस्यांची सोडवणूक करणे, या विकासाआड येणाऱ्या सर्व सत्तागट, पंथ आणि समाजगट यांच्याशी सर्व पातळींवर संघर्ष करणे, यासाठी रचनात्मक व संघर्षात्मक कामांची उभारणी करणे.

struggle's Usage Examples:

Morrell struggled with depression for many years and was diagnosed with cyclothymia after moving to Australia.

Both of these books focus on the particular struggles and inequalities working-class women faced during this time period.

Entries later declined, and later festivals struggled to attract more than 40-50 cars, enough for two heats and a final.

defense of Albracca by Angelica"s father, the King of Cathay, against the beleaguering Tartars, and, finally, with the Moors" siege of Paris and their struggle.

Transition to peaceful struggleBy 1992, the majority of the JKLF militants were killed or captured and they were yielding ground to pro-Pakistan guerilla groups such as the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, strongly backed by the Pakistani military authorities.

He was pushed aside into by one of his governors, Vukan, who continued the struggle against the Byzantines.

The armed struggle finally started on 23 January 1963, with a guerrilla attack against the Portuguese garrison in Tite.

His struggle with Koretz is witnessed by noted poet Edwina Corday (Claudette Colbert), who happens to be strolling near the river.

With the vampires occupied by their own internal struggles, humanity slowly became resurgent as escapees and free humans united to rebuild their shattered civilization.

) In addition to being demoted from the top of the order, Johnson's offensive struggles motivated Cox to move Johnson into a platoon at second base with Yunel Escobar.

The initial story of Gandhi’s travails in South Africa and of his systematic struggle against oppression is well known.

synonymous with protest and he used his literary prowess to launch an uncompromising struggle against social injustice.

As with most of Australia's batsmen, Davidson struggled against Alec Bedser, who broke the English Test wicket-taking record in the wet conditions, making only four and six.


scuffle, effort, scramble, tilt, joust, endeavor, duel, attempt, try, battle, endeavour,


refrain, disengage, fire, push, repel,

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