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rashness Meaning in marathi ( rashness शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उतावळेपणा, अननुभव, बेपर्वाई, लवकर कर, धाडस,


अननुभव, बेपर्वाई, लवकर कर, धाडस,

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rashness मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

रॉनी आपल्या भावाला पुन्हा सुरक्षित दिसण्यासाठी विनाशाच्या बेपर्वाईवर चालला आहे, जरी त्याचा अर्थ असा झाला की त्याला स्वतंत्रपणे संपूर्ण देश घ्यावा लागेल.

rashness's Usage Examples:

The design suggests the brashness of early Tulsa as it grew rapidly with the petroleum industry, attracting.

goodwill gesture, some local residents were vocal in their resentment of the brashness of the Internet industry, and canvassed the neighborhood with protest.

Lancastrian officers who York thought were his allies, or simple rashness or miscalculation by York.

Ambitious, tough and able, Pangalos was also widely distrusted for his rashness, megalomania and for being generally half mad.

Some have suggested that Hotspur's rashness and eagerness to engage the Scots and the added tiredness of the English army after its long march north, were without doubt, the reasons for English defeat, despite having a three to one advantage in numbers.

definitive Wipers record for sound and songwriting, though it lacks the brashness that makes Over the Edge such a joy.

scrum-half Andy Gregory, and he does admit to sharing the characteristics of brashness and assertiveness famously associated with Gregory.

ConsequencesLloyd George's rashness resulted in the calling of a meeting of Conservative MPs at the Carlton Club on 19 October 1922, which passed a motion that the Conservative Party should fight the next general election as an independent party.

by Eisenhower, Marshall, and other leaders to be examples of Patton"s brashness and impulsiveness.

Florid symmetrical composition; brashness of detail typical of late 19th century gin palace.

Wu Can, a Chu commander, advised against this, citing the inexperience of Xun Linfu as the supreme commander, the rashness of Xian Hu as adjutant, and the conflict between the Jin commanders.

It was the rashness which caused him a lot of problems with his brethren from the.

piece of work-in other words, it suggests none of the spontaneity and brashness that attracted us to Ali in the first place.


lightheadedness, heedlessness, imprudence, mindlessness,


tastefulness, kindness, consideration, tactfulness, thoughtfulness,

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