raspberry Meaning in marathi ( raspberry शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
रास्पबेरी, एक प्रकारचे लाल किंवा पिवळे फळ आणि त्याचे झाड,
राजबारी, रास्पबेरी,
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raspberry मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
नाशिक जिल्ह्यातील गावे राजबारी हे भारताच्या महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील नाशिक जिल्ह्यातील पेठ तालुक्यातील एक गाव आहे.
फणसपाडा (पेठ) पिंपळपाडा (पेठ) पिंपळवाटी रायतळे (पेठ) राजबारी रानविहीर (पेठ) रूईपेठा सादडपाडा सांबरपाडा सासुणे सावळघाट सावर्णा शेवखांडी शिंदे (पेठ) शिंगदरी शिराळे (पेठ) शिवशेत सुरगणे तिळभात तिरढे तोंडवळ तोरणमाळ (पेठ) उभीधोंड उमरपाडा उंबरदहाड उंबरपाडाभुवन उंबरपाडा करंजाळी उंंबराड उस्थळे वडाबारी वडपाडा (पेठ) वाघ्याचीबारी वांगणी (पेठ) वाझवड विरमाळ.
बलसाड व दमण ते पेठ रस्त्यावर राजबारी घाट.
raspberry's Usage Examples:
deliciosus (boulder raspberry, subgenus Anoplobatus) Rubus odoratus (flowering raspberry, subgenus Anoplobatus) Rubus nivalis (snow raspberry, subgenus Chamaebatus).
Other common plant species are common milkweed, lady slippers, sundial lupine, black-eyed Susan, European raspberry, and Allegheny blackberry.
California, and an amateur botanist credited with the 1881 creation of the loganberry, a cross between the raspberry and the blackberry.
Winner: Saylor Winner"s Dish: Confetti cupcakes with peach ice cream and strawberry, raspberry, blackberry coulis.
The Manchester tart is a traditional English baked tart consisting of a shortcrust pastry shell, spread with raspberry jam, covered with a custard filling.
goldenrod, harebell, golden heather, mountain holly, black huckleberry, creeping juniper, sheep laurel, red raspberry, Virginia rose, mountain sandwort, bristly.
Additional sweeteners sometimes added range from gomme syrup to grenadine syrup, raspberry syrup, or bar sugar.
Rubus idaeus (raspberry, also called red raspberry or occasionally European red raspberry to distinguish it from other raspberry species) is a red-fruited.
the leaves of Rubus species (including black raspberry and purple-flowering raspberry).
The question is: when can we see one of these strumpets, standing in purple rain, wearing only a raspberry beret and a pink cashmere.
jam Best raspberry jam Best strawberry jam Best thin cut marmalade Best lemon curd "Histon jam factory to be sold as part of £200m deal".
include black raspberry, wild ginger, maidenhair fern, showy orchis, wild coffee, and numerous others.
cloud, lemon sour, cream soda, strawberry, ginger ale, grape, cherry, sarsaparilla, white birch beer, orangeade, raspberry, teaberry, lemonade, uffri cola.
Rubus occidentalis, Rubus spectabilis, salmon berry, bramble bush, cloudberry, Rubus phoenicolasius, flowering raspberry, Rubus parviflorus, dwarf mulberry, thimbleberry, red raspberry, salmonberry, blackcap raspberry, black raspberry, purple-flowering raspberry, raspberry bush, blackcap, baked-apple berry, Rubus chamaemorus, Rubus odoratus, bakeapple, wineberry,
contraindicate, put option, cause to sleep,