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rasper Meaning in marathi ( rasper शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



रत्न, जास्पर,

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rasper मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

[5] एरिच फॉन सशरकमक, ह्यूगो डी व्ह्रीस, कार्ल कोर्रेन्स आणि विल्यम जास्पर स्पिलमन यांनी स्वतंत्रपणे मॅंडेलच्या प्रायोगिक निष्कर्षांविषयीचे अनेक स्वतंत्रपणे पडताळले, आधुनिक जननशास्त्रांच्या युगात प्रवेश केला.

शक्तिशाली पांढरा संगमरवर राजस्थानातून, पंजाबहून जास्पर, ग्रीन किंवा जेड आणि क्रिस्टल किंवा क्रिस्टल चीनमधून आणला गेला.

या काळात मानव बहुतेक वेळा चर्ट, जास्पर आणि क्वार्टझाइट वापरत असत.

या गटात ॲगेट, ॲगेट जास्पर, कॉर्नेलियस, ओनिक्स या खनिजांचा समावेश होतो.

कार्ल जास्पर्स आणि बर्ट्रांड रसल् यांनी मूर्ती यांच्याशी आवर्जून अनेक विषयावर चर्चा केली.

rasper's Usage Examples:

Fertile types have been called eusperm or eupyrene sperm and infertile types parasperm or apyrene sperm.

Greipa is translated as ("gripper, grasper").

Doorknob Grasper Transition to third doorknob.

paired retractable prepelvic graspers, and a door-knocker-like projection (tentaculum) on their heads.

be "the imagination of the unreal that is lacking in the form of being graspable or grasper.

subsequent placement of other instruments, such as graspers, scissors, staplers, etc.

Meanwhile, the British have again used an Eye to support the cage holding Seeker and Grasper, but the Eye begins to compel the man-apes to act in unusual ways, as if performing experiments on them.

port is used for introduction of a laparoscopic instrument, such as a grasper.

It crashes near Jamrud Fort, which is manned by British soldiers and sepoys from 1885—including the same redcoats who captured Seeker and Grasper, which the British call man-apes.

They lack a language, but are referred to in the narration as Seeker and Grasper.

grasper can be inserted to pull the mass into the cylinder to cut out an extractable piece.

abdominal wall, ending with sharp edges or cutting jaws, through which a grasper can be inserted to pull the mass into the cylinder to cut out an extractable.

On Mir, Seeker and Grasper have been released, but Grasper, changed by her time under the Eye, begins to imagine a future for her kind in this world, a future of successfully competing with the newer Homo humans.

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