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rasp Meaning in marathi ( rasp शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

रास्प, (मॅट) उखा,


वाळू, उखा,


उखा, स्क्रॅच, कर्कश, खडखडाट, सतत लाकूड तोडणे, घासणे,

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rasp fern
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rasp मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कथा, कविता, कादंबरी, नाटक, नाट्य, बाल साहित्य, ललित लेख, विनोद, मराठी साहित्य संमेलने, अग्रलेख। संपादकीय। स्तंभलेख।समीक्षा, चारोळी, गझल, ओवी, अभंग, भजन, कीर्तन, पोवाडा, लावणी, भारूड, बखर, पोथी, आरती, लोकगीत, गोंधळ, उखाणे, वाक्‍प्रचार.

निवडक उखाणे (लता बहिरट).

प्रहेलिका – कोटी, उखाणे वा काव्यातून प्रश्न विचारणे.

खेळता-खेळता उखाणे, गाणी म्हणून मन मोकळं करायच्या.

दमंती दुसरी तारा | गंगा भागीरथी उखा || २ ||.

निवडक उखाणे व स्त्रीगीते (उमा प्रकाशन).

त्यांनी रक्तदानाविषयी उखाणे तयार केले आहेत.

दळणकांडण, उखाणे, गुलई गीते, शोकगीते वगैरेंची स्पर्धा.

दाभाडे :- दाभाडे, शेल्या, उखाया, ठेंगावाला, उमतावाला.

गिरगावातील चाळीतले प्रसंग, लग्नाचा प्रसंग आणि त्यातला उखाणा घ्यायचा किस्सा, पार्ल्याच्या मावशीचे घर शोधणे, ठिगळ्याचे टेलरिंग शिकवणे, एकत्र नानू सरंजाम्याच्या नाटकाला जाणे, सांताक्रूझच्या गुरुदेवांचे प्रवचन अशा अगदी साध्या प्रसंगांतून हसता हसता पुरेवाट होते.

rasp's Usage Examples:

potential, and soon people sitting in their homes can hear his raspy, thundery voice shouting from their radio sets, telling them the "truth" about the.

deliciosus (boulder raspberry, subgenus Anoplobatus) Rubus odoratus (flowering raspberry, subgenus Anoplobatus) Rubus nivalis (snow raspberry, subgenus Chamaebatus).

After numerous battles, Daba leaves Mizum, again encountering Olibee, still in Poseidal's grasp.

Don Fernando defends the children with his sword but eventually his son, Juan, is torn from his grasp and bashed against a pillar.

Wearing high heels is also associated with musculoskeletal pain, specifically pain in the paraspinal muscles (muscles running up the back along the spine) and specifically with heel pain and plantar calluses (only women tested).

and her and Kaskade"s "chemistry and firm grasp on creating the most contagiously catchy melodies" becomes clear.

A raspy grunt from "Electric Chair" can be heard in the Underworld remix of William.

underside of the latter is more highly calcified, the oogonia and the tetrasporangia are large and globular rather than small and oblong, and there is a.

I protest against all monopolies, whether exercised by un-wieldy State departments, or by grasping individuals, and I support the claims.

providence to despise all that was already in his grasp, and drawn by an irresistible impulse went off to a life of solitude and poverty.

The infraspinatus and the teres minor, along with the anterior fibers of the deltoid muscle,.

In the lightest versions notes of cherries, raspberries and blueberries and with notes.

deposits typically in association with raspite, cerussite, anglesite, pyromorphite and mimetite.


vocalization, rasping, utterance,


keep quiet, incomplete, mitigated, specify,

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