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rainwaters Meaning in marathi ( rainwaters शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पावसाचे पाणी


पावसाचे पाणी,

rainwaters's Usage Examples:

compared to a requirement of below 150 ppm in water from lakes and in rainwaters.

ordered the building of dams on three sides of the castle, focusing the rainwaters and diverting the river to ruin the castle.

The creek once was fed by rainwaters.

  During this process, these rainwaters journeyed through various layers formed of dolomites, sandstone, and clays.

interesting landforms are attributable to erosion, the outcome of flowing rainwaters.


freshwater, rain, fresh water,


saltwater, iodine, sodium chloride, I,

rainwaters's Meaning in Other Sites