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insolently Meaning in marathi ( insolently शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




insolently's Usage Examples:

According to Wyatt"s testimony later, 18-year-old Billy Clanton asked him insolently if he had any more horses to "lose", but he gave the horse up without.

their hands are caught up by your order " taken to the same place " there insolently told that they "had better be picking cotton.

Pheidippides emerges coolly and insolently debates with his father a father"s right to beat his son and a son"s right.

effective, thanks particularly to Miss Sanda, who is as beautiful and insolently alluring here as she has ever been.

waves goodbye to her, then slams the door when he comes home and speaks insolently to his father.

The Japanese crew behaved rowdily and walked insolently through the town in armed bands of thirty or forty.

they are still going about their tasks, asking the same questions and insolently refusing to settle.

seize my horse’s bridle as I was passing near a threshing-floor, and insolently told me to be off, at the same time making as though he would strike me;.

the Father"; she was mother of Yaldabaoth (some said, of Sabaoth), who insolently took possession of the seventh heaven, and proclaimed himself to be the.

"It happened that a Patriarch of the region of Tripoli annoyed, behaved insolently, became haughty, and frightened the governor of Tripoli and all the Francs.

Zhao came to power, he offered Ji Kang a civil position, but Ji Kang insolently rejected Sima Zhao"s envoy Zhong Hui.

According to Wyatt's testimony later, 18-year-old Billy Clanton asked him insolently if he had any more horses to lose, but he gave the horse up without first being shown the ownership papers, demonstrating to Wyatt that Billy Clanton knew to whom the horse belonged.

John Gotch with Gotch"s own whip in a fury after the local landowner insolently orders him off his land.

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