insolent Meaning in marathi ( insolent शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
अपमानास्पद, उद्धट, अहंकारी,
अपमानास्पद, अहंकारी,
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insolent मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
शशिकांत अहंकारी (२०११).
कामाख्या विषयाचे अभ्यासक तसेच प्राच्य विद्या विषयाचे विशेषज्ञ याविषयी म्हणतात-याविषयीची आख्यायिका अशी आहे की- असुरराज नरकासुर अहंकारी होता.
ती एक श्रीमंत राजकीय व्यक्तिमत्त्व उत्तम जाधव कुटुंबातील असल्याने ती अत्यंत अहंकारी दाखवली आहे.
अहंकारी राक्षसाने सकाळ होण्यापूर्वी दगडाच्या पायऱ्यांचे रस्ते तर तयार केले पण विश्रामगृहाचे काम चालू असतानाच देवीने एका मायावी कोंबड्याच्या द्वारे सकाळ झाल्याचे सूचित केले ज्यामुळे रागावलेल्या नरकासुराने त्याचा पाठलाग केला.
या विजयानंतर शाहरूख खानावरील देशद्रोहाचा आरोप तर पुसला जातोच, पण एका महिला खेळाडूच्या वाग्दत्त वराच्या अहंकारी स्वभावाला 'हम किसीसे कम नहीं' असा जोरदार प्रतिजवाब मिळतो.
फिज्युटिव्ह हिस्ट्रिज ही कादंबरी समुदायांमधील तेढ आणि प्रस्थापिततेची अहंकारी भूमिका उलगडणारी भविष्यसूचक कादंबरी आहे.
अहंकारी मनुष्याला ज्ञान प्राप्त होण्याचा संभव नाही.
त्यांनी दुरचित्रवाहिनी वरील त्यांच्या कामासाठी कौतुक आणि मान्यता मिळवली असली तरी, हे चित्रिकरणादरम्यान दरम्यान सेटवर अहंकारीपणाने वागतात.
insolent's Usage Examples:
According to Wyatt"s testimony later, 18-year-old Billy Clanton asked him insolently if he had any more horses to "lose", but he gave the horse up without.
their hands are caught up by your order " taken to the same place " there insolently told that they "had better be picking cotton.
Pheidippides emerges coolly and insolently debates with his father a father"s right to beat his son and a son"s right.
Ultimately from Aramaic חֲצִיפָא (ḥăṣîpāʾ), חֲצַף (ḥaṣap, “to be barefaced, insolent”).
young Stones in all their insolent glory presiding over this uneven but ripely nostalgic show"; although "rumor had it that the Stones.
solicitor Benjamin Stubbins, who arrives at his office to find his insolent office boy (Graham Moffatt) with his feet up on the desk, reading a wild west magazine.
aloof from the common man, and to make the common man insolent in his forwardness.
Goebbels wrote that Grynszpan has invented the insolent argument that he had a homosexual relationship with.
effective, thanks particularly to Miss Sanda, who is as beautiful and insolently alluring here as she has ever been.
appointing himself bursar and removing the accounts to his lodge, writing "insolent replies to the commission"s requests for information".
as "stupid, awkward, rude, unclean, insolent, ungrateful, mendacious, thievish, abominably lazy, great talkers to their end, and naïve and childish.
these words of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore: Give me the strength never to disown the poor Or bend my knees before insolent might.
appeared with Will Hay and Moore Marriott as "Albert": a plump cheekily insolent street-savvy youth.
flip, snotty-nosed, impudent, disrespectful,
mitigated, unadventurous, timid, covert, respectful,