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insoles Meaning in marathi ( insoles शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

एक जोडा किंवा बूट जेथे पाऊल स्थित आहे संबंधित आतील सोल आहे,


बुटाचा सोल,

insoles's Usage Examples:

The insoles are made of latex and contain activated carbon, which neutralizes odors.

Footbeds can be replaced by a user"s custom orthotic insoles, or by standard replacements.

Elevator shoes are shoes that have thickened sections of the insoles (known as shoe lifts) under the heels to make the wearer appear taller, or "elevate".

Shoe insoles that are fitted to correct flat feet provide significant relief to those with severely flat feet.

of foot-care products, specifically shoe insoles and foot powder, designed to reduce foot odor.

companies manufacture footwear with waterproof insoles and Vibram or Dobie outsoles with green cotton/nylon uppers and conventional eyelets, and manufacture.

It has been used as lamp wicks, boot insoles, and swabs.

the interaction of the foot with the insole surface, different types of insoles and shoe inserts have been used to try to enhance postural stability.

These insoles were tested by experimental.

CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link) "Lechal smart insoles, buckles review: A new way to track yourself".

Also in the year 1896 Konrad created the Fussbett (footbed) and opened two shoe stores in Frankfurt, Germany where he continued to make and sell his insoles.

The insoles are made of latex and contain activated carbon.

Shoes for soldiers had riveted insoles to extend the life of the leather, increase comfortability, and provide.


innersole, shoe, boot, sole,


undress, break, multiple, shared,

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