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insolvents Meaning in marathi ( insolvents शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


कोणाकडेही कर्ज भरण्यासाठी पुरेशी संसाधने नाहीत,


दिवाळखोरी, अर्थहीन,

insolvents मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जर x ला एकक असते तर ही बेरीज अर्थहीन ठरेल: घातहीन घटक x हे घातांकित घटक x^3/3! मध्ये मिळवले जाऊ शकत नाही (किंवा त्यांची वजाबाकी होऊ शकत नाही) इ.

वरील गोष्टीं नाकारल्यामुळे धर्मशास्त्रांनी उभारलेला अलौकिकाचा सारा पसाराच अर्थहीन होतो.

पण मुळात निजामाला न दुखावता त्यांनी मोहीम अर्थहीन ठेवली.

भारतातील शास्त्रे, कला, साहित्य, जीवनपद्धती अशा सर्वच बाबी त्या लोकांना अर्थहीन वाटत होत्या.

शरीराच्या अवस्था (असंबद्ध, अर्थशून्य, निरर्थक, अर्थहीन लेख).

(पुढील मजकूर असंबद्ध, अर्थशून्या, अर्थहीन आणि निरर्थक आहे) : तथापि, गिर्यारो येथे शेर लोकसंख्येत मोठ्या प्रमाणावर घट झाल्यामुळे ब्रिटिश व्हिक्टरने त्यांचे लक्ष आशियातील सिंहावर आणून दिले.

insolvents's Usage Examples:

He was charged with collecting taxes, preparing a list of "insolvents", and keeping the jail.

insolvent persons engaged in trade or business and kept distinct from other insolvents until 1861.

There are certain restrictions, however, for unrehabilitated insolvents.

Untitled, Otago Daily Times, Issue 624, 17 December 1863, Page 4 New insolvents, Otago Daily Times, Issue 1084, 10 June 1865, Page 5 Education Board,.

patent rights, workers" compensation, pensioners’ rights, and earnings of insolvents; and Claims of an extremely personal nature, as per the delectus personae.

however, certain exceptions: minors; insane persons; prodigals; and insolvents.

Shekar is furious " wild who thinks penniless as baseness also suffers insolvents by making them impoverished.

by forbidding all share in trading concerns, by vigorously punishing insolvents, and by his personal example of careful selection in the matter of patronage.

Chemsan Suok also includes insolvents who cannot repay their debts.

He served as commissioner of insolvents for the State of Ohio, and prosecuting attorney of Erie County, Ohio,.

As a result, a gold ingot cycle has developed—with its batch of insolvents, prostitutes, godfathers, traffickers, whether in French Guiana, Brazil.


belly-up, bankrupt,


solvent, victory, success,

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