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backtracking Meaning in gujarati ( backtracking ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં આ શબ્દનો અર્થ શું છે?)



ત્યાગ કરો, નકારવા માટે, નામંજૂર, છોડી દેવા માટે,

backtracking's Usage Examples:

satirical humor of the game"s narrative, cutscenes and dialogue, while the unadjustable camera and extensive backtracking were heavily criticised.

possessive by appending a plus sign, which disables backing off (in a backtracking engine), even if doing so would allow the overall match to succeed: While.

the Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland (DPLL) algorithm is a complete, backtracking-based search algorithm for deciding the satisfiability of propositional.

bottom-up parse in a single left-to-right scan over the input stream, without guesswork or backtracking.

when they terminate, parsers that use recursive descent with backtracking may require exponential time.

connect with eastbound trains such as the Lake Shore Limited without backtracking to Chicago.

The prototypical example of a backtracking algorithm is depth-first search, which finds all.

In 2014, Tom Shields integrated BtYacc backtracking into Berkeley Yacc effectively subsuming BtYacc and again supporting C (instead of only C++) in Dickey releases since April 2014.

embodied in backtracking systems (such as Amb, or unification in Prolog), in which some alternatives may "fail," causing the program to backtrack and try.

of a graph) and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking.

Orlando Lima, writing for Vibe, also gave the album three-and-a-half out of five stars and noted that while Evans can still finesse notes, the album had a tendency to backtracking, covering much of the same ground as her previous offering [.

This typically draws upon standard methods like chronological backtracking and constraint propagation, but may use customized code like a problem.


double back, return, turn back,


stay in place, volley, ground stroke, attack,

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