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backwardly Meaning in gujarati ( backwardly ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં આ શબ્દનો અર્થ શું છે?)



ઓર્બચીન, પથારી, જેઓ પાછળ પડ્યા છે, અસમર્થ, અનિચ્છા, ધીમા પડો, પછાત,

backwardly's Usage Examples:

Apple subsequently developed a new protocol AppleShare IP which is not backwardly compatible.

a strong backwardly directed spine.

could reach 60 percent value addition threshold relying on the strong backwardly linked yarn-fabric making factories directly from imported raw cotton.

Recursive acronyms typically form backwardly: either an existing ordinary acronym is given a new explanation of what.

This backwardly compatible handshake method was criticized by the Gnutella Developers.

was simply a commercialized version of the Genie design and remained backwardly compatible with their earlier models, with the exception of the 12-bit.

Backward inclined – These fans have simple flat blades, backwardly inclined to match the velocity pattern of the air passing through the.

wide axis in the thorax and an enlarged 11th segment that bears a long, backwardly directed spine on each side.

by having their rostrum (snout) backwardly directed between their fore coxae in repose, and fitting within a protective channel that usually ends in.

Four design enhancements, all forwardly inclusive and backwardly compatible, are: SR - 1958-1966: Plain SR-bayonet featuring automatic.

consists of numerous (on the body whorl about two to the millimeter) narrow, backwardly convex, tlexuous[check spelling] riblets with about equal interspaces.

Four design enhancements, all forwardly inclusive and backwardly compatible, are: SR - 1958-1966: Plain SR-bayonet.

was amended to support Enhanced ATSC (A/112); this transmission mode is backwardly compatible with the original 8-Bit Vestigal Sideband modulation scheme.

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