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backward and forward Meaning in gujarati ( backward and forward ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં આ શબ્દનો અર્થ શું છે?)

પાછળ અને આગળ


પછાત અને આગળ,

backward and forward's Usage Examples:

The designers of SATA standard as an overall goal aimed for backward and forward compatibility with future revisions of the SATA standard.

It is written from multiple points of view and moves backward and forward through time.

economy with most of the other sectors being dependent on its strong backward and forward linkages.

Since go-devils are loosely constructed, there is considerable backward and forward play in the runners and if one of them becomes obstructed the other.

Monoculturalism is both backward and forward looking, it generally stems from a group"s love of their own culture.

renewed strength in the shape of great tongues of fire, which sway backward and forward, as if seeking with a fierce eagerness something to devour.

The film goes backward and forward in time to the old age and early childhood of a man.

It has been set backward and forward 24 times since, the largest-ever number of minutes to midnight being.

It is usually a sideways movement, but may be done moving backward and forward (or vice versa).

[clarification needed] Hirschman introduces the concept of backward and forward linkages.

steps are taken forward (backward by the lady), then they balance backward and forward.

satisfying Luciano Floridi’s test of successful observability and backward and forward presence at different Levels of Abstraction.

He remained standing, walking backward and forward from moment to moment to judge the effect.


back and forth, to and fro,


forward, unswept, synonymous, direct, appearance,

backward and forward's Meaning in Other Sites