घाम Meaning in English
घाम शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sweat
, heat of the sun
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
ताप प्रतिरोधक पात्रहीट सिंक
उष्ण कटिबंधी
जबरदस्त वादविवाद
हीटिंग पैड
घाम इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
On the other hand, the Ottoman army enjoyed the preference in terms of preparation, as the Ottoman army was better supplied with supplies and had rested for several weeks in its camp, unlike the Egyptian soldiers who were exhausted by the march to meet the Ottoman army under the heat of the sun at the beginning of the summer.
Amtor is a verdant world shielded from the heat of the sun by a (nearly) perpetual cloud cover.
The heat of the sun is absorbed through the skin into the blood, keeping its body temperature up.
Reacting to the darker complexion of people with biracial parentage, George Best argued in 1578 that black skin was not related to the heat of the sun (in Africa) but was instead caused by biblical damnation.
घाम हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
घूमते-घामते नईडीह गाँव पहुँचे।
वि.सं. २०३५: घामका पाइलाहरू - ध. च. गोतामे।
* भाग २ - घामाची फुले।
""1991 तमिलनाडु के श्रीपेरम्बदूर में आत्मघामी बम हमले में भारत के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गाँधी की हत्या हुई।
हर शीत, घाम सहने वाला!।
बालनाट्य - इथे बाळे मिळतात, चांभारचौकशीचे नाटक, चिमणा बांधतो बंगला, पाटलाच्या पोरीचे लगीन, बाबा हरवले आहेत, बॉबीची गोष्ट, मुलांसाठी तीन नाटिका, राजाराणीला घाम हवा..।
मेटानेफ्रोस बिन्घामी - कैरेबियाई झींगा मछली।
दादा धुनी वाले की समाधि, तुरजा भवानी मंदिर और नव चंडी देवी घाम भी यहां के लोकप्रिय पवित्र स्थल हैं।
हरिद्वार तो चारघामों में सुप्रतिष्ठित बद्रीधाम का द्वारभूत है।
भाषा शैली- सहज, सरल प्रभावशाली, ललित गद्यस शैली , इनके व्यंग्यों के बारे में अज्ञेय जी ने लिखा है- मधुर व्यंग्य जो जाड़ों के घाम जैसा स्निग्ध, अपने मन से भर जाए और सधा हुआ सूक्ष्म स्पर्श जो भाव को जगाए पर चैंकने न दे।
संकलन गरिएको कोसालाई घाममा सुकाइन्छ।
घाम इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Among the promotions for electric heat and appliances were images of a visibly sweating Reddy warning that government ownership of utilities is “Socialism – the twin brother of Communism – and we don’t want either of those isms!”.
He alone who is free from hunger, thirst, senility, disease, birth, death, fear, pride, attachment, aversion, infatuation, worry, conceit, hatred, uneasiness, sweat, sleep and surprise is called a God.
The most common symptoms include cough, fever, difficulty breathing, and sweating at night.
Prominent and nearly universal signs and symptoms include cough, fever, difficulty breathing, and night sweats.
The prisoner did not report the incident after it occurred, but kept a pair of sweatpants she wore during the incident as proof.
As she was being released in September 2000, she gave the sweatpants to a prison administrator.
, fevers, chills, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss) and respiratory (e.
Through the blood and sweat of its employees and the income generated from its programs, the network built and finally moved to its present home at the modern Broadcast City, together with its sister networks RPN and BBC in July 1978.
It's a courageous, anti-glamour effort, one of those sweat-and-drool "Snake Pit" performances that drives hair and makeup crazy, not to mention mental-health-care providers.
The Labor " Human Rights category covers article submissions from sources such as Sweatshop Watch and the National Labor Relations Board that address topics including sweatshops, unions and union busting.
Both Harthill and Benhar School Boards agreed that they would purchase one school sweater for every child as a farewell gift.
Some sweaters and athletic garments (both tops and pants) have cuffs that either contain elastic or are woven so as to stretch around a hand or foot and still fit snugly, accomplishing the same purpose.
The League threatened further sanctions, and despite playing more than one game with their "unreadable" sweaters, Ballard's Maple Leafs finally complied in earnest by making the letters white.