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क्रोधपूर्वक Meaning in English

क्रोधपूर्वक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : angry
, heatedly

क्रोधपूर्वक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

When I again mentioned that Segovia did not play it that way, he had no doubt had enough of my comparisons and answered, somewhat heatedly 'I have a great admiration for Segovia and everything he has done for the guitar and its history, but I do not have to put on a record of Segovia and play the music exactly as he does.

Ferrer’s ideas have often been discussed and debated (sometimes heatedly) within the pages of various peer-reviewed academic journals, including Journal of Consciousness Studies, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, and Journal of Transpersonal Psychology.

Despite this prohibition on discussion, the article is heatedly debated both privately and publicly among Malaysians, against the implementation of the article although ostensibly maintaining support for it.

क्रोधपूर्वक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" कुछ लोगों ने क्रोधपूर्वक छन्दक को खरी-खोटी सुनाई।

क्रोधपूर्वक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

William Spiers, a convicted arsonist, former patient, and sporadic employee, was arrested after admitting to setting both fires because he was angry with his supervisor.

" He wrote that he was giving up his status as a "celebrity pastor", that he considered his "angry young prophet" days to be over, and that he was reducing his public presence in speaking engagements and on social media.

This version is described as "an angry misogynist dwarf with telekinesis".

This caused an angry civilian uproar in central Luzon.

She is very angry and about to kill Fred, however, Fred, just like his father, is a very good speaker and manages to convince her not to.

Howe appeared on the discussion programme Midweek (on BBC Radio 4) to promote the documentary on 19 October 2005 and, live on air, became involved in an angry debate with American comedian Joan Rivers.

Chase makes it very clear that she is still very angry and not his friend anymore.

It seems to reflect his moods, howling along the Norvagen battlements when Dev himself is angry.

Sandman was reported to have been particularly secretive about his age, becoming angry with any reporter who expressed an interest in revealing it publicly, perhaps because he was 10 to 20 years older than most of his indie-rock contemporaries.

When Milla heard that Muludia and his people moved from Avori and settled in Musura, he became angry.

Lee responded that Eastwood was acting like an "angry old man", and argued that despite making two Iwo Jima films back to back, Letters from Iwo Jima and Flags of Our Fathers, "there was not one black Marine in both of those films".

Upon Cui's accusations, Emperor Zhaozong ordered Wang, Zhu Daobi, and Jing to commit suicide, and it was said that from this point Cui became the leading figure at court, with the eunuchs angry at and fearful of him.

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