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तपित Meaning in English

तपित शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tapit
, heated

तपित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The countries developed a strong rivalry during the Cold War, and while the tensions eased in the 1990s, the relations deteriorated in 2014 and 2016, and the rivalry became even more heated.

Electrocautery uses [conduction] from a probe heated to a high temperature by a direct electrical current (much in the manner of a soldering iron).

The heated two-story shelter was donated by Charles Loring and was used as a warming house, recreation center and kindergarten.

Following FSU's Emerald Bowl victory against UCLA, a heated quarterback competition between Lee and Weatherford came to a resolution on August 23, 2007 when Weatherford was named the starter for the opener against Clemson.

Then it is dissolved in ammonia again, the solution is heated in air until it becomes purple, then it is precipitated out with calcium chloride.

In a 2017 interview on The Howard Stern Show, Manson openly claimed that Reznor wrote the song about him after a heated incident between the two, though they renewed their friendship in time for Manson to co-direct and appear in the music video.

Then, as the music heated up, so did the audience.

Rootless cones have also been discovered in the Athabasca Valles region of Mars, where lava flows superheated groundwater in the underlying rocks.

" Rabbi Berekiah taught that Jacob reasoned that he did not want Esau to rise up against him and assert that Jacob had cheated Jacob by taking Esau's blessings, and so frustrate his mother Rebekah's labors on his behalf.

Gunn is reluctant to waste time looking into the murder of a demon, and after a heated debate with Angel, Gunn chooses not to help with this case.

In smaller operations, the material starts at room temperature and must be heated.

Within this region, there are two parallel belts of knotted schist even more strongly heated to over 525"nbsp;°C.

तपित हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

18. रक्तपित्त (खूनी पित्त): सिंघाड़ा, धान का लावा,।

सूखे फल खूनी अतिसार, आँव, बवासरी और रक्तपित्त में तथा लोहभस्म के साथ लेने पर पांडुरोग और अजीर्ण में लाभदायक माने जाते हैं।

इसके पुष्प मधुर, ग्राही और रक्तपित्त, रक्तविकार, प्रदर, क्षय एवं खाँसी का नाश करते हैं।

कोशक भारी, शीतल और रक्तपित्त तथा क्षय को नष्ट करने वाला है।

5. Urticaria - अर्टिकेरिया - शीतपित, पित्ती उछलना।

जय पाण्डेय भविष्य पुराण में जगतपिता ब्रह्मा के अनुसार विवाह आठ प्रकार के होते हैं इस विवाह के विषय में श्री ब्रह्मा जी का कहना है कि यदि कन्या सोई हुई हो तथा मद से मतवाली या जो कन्या पागल हो गई हो तथा उसे गुप्त रूप से उठा ले आना यह 'पैशाच नामक' अधम कोर्ट का विवाह है।

अंतर्जनित विष - रक्तमूत्र विषाक्तता, रक्तपित्त विषाक्तता, मधुमेह, गठिया, कब्ज, अपच, यकृत के रोग, मलेरिया, टाइफॉइड, (typhoid), टाइफस (typhus) इंफ्ल्यूएंज़ा, फोड़ा, फुंसी तथा कारबंकल।

तीक्ष्ण, गरम, कृमिनाशक, रक्तपित्तकारक, तथा नेत्र रोग, वात पीडा, कुष्ठ, कण्डू, व्रण तथा खुजली को नष्ट करता है।

अर्टिकेरिया (शीतपित्त) है शीतऋतु का रोग।

पकने पर वह रक्तपित्त का नाश करता है, घावों को भरता है और बल-वीर्य में वृद्धि करता है।

""अंतर्जनित विष - रक्तमूत्र विषाक्तता, रक्तपित्त विषाक्तता, मधुमेह, गठिया, कब्ज, अपच, यकृत के रोग, मलेरिया, टाइफॉइड, (typhoid), टाइफस (typhus) इंफ्ल्यूएंज़ा, फोड़ा, फुंसी तथा कारबंकल।

वैद्यक में इसे गरम, कसैली, मधुर, शीतल, मलरोधक, पथ्य, रुचिकारी, हलकी, बादी, कृमिजनक, तथा रक्तपित्त, कफ, वाव, गुदकील, वायुगोले, ज्वर, दाह और क्षयरोग की नाशक माना है।

आयुर्वेद में यह लघु, स्निग्ध, मधुर, शीतवार्य, बात, पित्त, क्षय, अपस्मार, रक्तपित्त और उनमाद नाशक, बलदायक, मूत्रजनक, निद्राकर, तृष्णाशामक और बीज कृमिनाशक आदि कहा गया है।

तपित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The most famous being Lakshmi Kumara Thathachariar honoured with the title Andhrakavitapitamaha (Progenitor of Telugu poetry) and Tenali Ramakrishna, Krishnadevaraya's court jester who authored several acclaimed works.

In the later half of a myth called "Coyote Went to get Basketry Material" Coyote enlists the help of the Black Spider and Parotsok^^itapitsi, an unknown bird species, to take revenge on the Sky-Down-feather-Brothers for killing his grandson.

Wolf tells Coyote to hide almost all the water, have the Black Spider spin a web to fill the sky's hole, and to hide near the little water still uncovered with Parotsok^^itapitsi with a hot rock from a fire pit.

He then asks Parotsok^^itapitsi to accompany him at the edge of the water and shout when the Sky-Down-feather brothers try to fly away in order to keep them in place and he also agrees to do this.

The brothers then try to trick Coyote multiple times by flying close to the water and saying, "Oh, Coyote, sitting by a roasting pit heating a stone!" Each time, Coyote almost reveals himself thinking he has been discovered but each time Parotsok^^itapitsi stops him telling him that the brothers are trying to trick him.

Finally, the two brothers stop to drink and in that moment, Coyote throws the hot stone at them and Parotsok^^itapitsi shouts as they try to fly away and the brothers become trapped in the web blocking the sky's hole.

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