जबरदस्त वादविवाद Meaning in English
जबरदस्त वादविवाद शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tremendous debate
, heated debate
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
हीटिंग पैड
स्वर्गवास होना
स्वर्गीय ज्योती
जबरदस्त-वादविवाद इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Gunn is reluctant to waste time looking into the murder of a demon, and after a heated debate with Angel, Gunn chooses not to help with this case.
Starting around 1926, Ingold and Robert Robinson carried out a heated debate on the electronic theoretical approaches to organic reaction mechanisms.
There was a heated debate amongst the plotters about who would become the chairman of the "People Redemption's Council" (PRC) that would assume power after the coup.
Atta-ur-Rahman, and the issue has led to heated debates in Pakistan's news media.
A number of heated debates took place and loyal stockholders fought to retain the company.
The chain of events that led to the Ain el-Rammaneh PLO driver incident and the subsequent "Bus massacre" (or "Black Sunday") of April 1975 have been the subject of intense speculation and heated debate in Lebanon since the end of the Civil War in 1990.
The 1981 DSOC National Convention was marked by a very heated debate on the question of merger with the NAM, which was ultimately resolved by a vote of approximately 80% of the delegates in favor and none against, with the 20% or so supporting the CATNAM position abstaining.
This has led to heated debate and protests in Thailand.
After four days of heated debate on the "Treaty (Confirmation of amending agreement) Bill, 1925", the boundary agreement was approved on 10 December by a Dáil vote of 71 to 20.
By the end of 2002, the proposed anti-subversion legislation, as required by the Article 23 of the Basic Law, the constitutional document of the territory, sparked off heated debate and opposition.
This led to heated debate, with Jumblatt opposed by Hezbollah, Amal and other pro-Syrian Lebanese groups, while other parties tried to find a middle ground.
Disagreements on whether there should be a single state in the place of the old New Kingdom of Granada or whether the provinces should become autonomous and independent states became a matter of heated debate.
In mid-September 2006, during a period of heated debate on the Hong Kong Government's plan to introduce a GST (General Sales Tax), Tam released the interim results of a survey on attitudes towards the introduction of the GST, independently conducted by the East Asia Work Based Learning Centre of Middlesex University.