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अवरधर्मी Meaning in English

अवरधर्मी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : non-religious
, heathen

अवरधर्मी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Although his purpose was to detail the "heathen practices" as a manual for other missionaries, he also wanted to make it pleasant to read and useful to others.

He declared that a heathen who occupied himself with the Torah was as worthy of Judaism as a high priest, for it is said, "Ye shall therefore keep my statutes .

In Gamaliel's house it was not customary to say "Marpe'!" (Recovery) when any one sneezed, because that was a heathenish superstition.

Originating from Ghazna, he is thought to have written the Shahryar-nama, which describes the struggles of Muslims against Indian heathens during the Ghaznavid era.

According to Njál's saga, Óspak was a heathen, described as "the wisest of all men.

To many a heathen ruin did'st thou bring;.

) Rabbi Berekiah and Rabbi Levi in the name of Rabbi Hama ben Haninah thus explained that Rebekah was remembered with the blessing of children only after Isaac prayed for her, so that the heathens in Rebekah's family might not say that their prayer in caused that result.

I loved the dogs, I loved the horses, I loved the little urchins on the street, I loved the strangers who hurried past me, I loved the heathen, I loved the whole world.

The term derives from the Latin word rus, countryside, to indicate that a student has been sent back to his or her family in the country, or from medieval Latin rustici, meaning "heathens or barbarians" (missus in rusticos, "sent among .

Some Slovenian practitioners use the Slovenian language term ajd, which is a loan-word of the Germanic-language heathen.

Kars Adon – The crippled young king of the heathens.

1000 when it was conferred by Pope Silvester II upon Saint Stephen I (975"ndash;1038), the first Christian king of Hungary, who is supposed to have received it in recognition of his promoting the introduction of Christianity into Hungary and his zeal in seeking the conversion of the heathen.

A friendly conversation is recorded which he had with a heathen on the way from Acre to Ecdippa.

अवरधर्मी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Depending on the state in which they are located, they may also be exempt from some of the inspections or regulations governing non-religious groups performing the same services.

It aims to re-frame the debate over the origins of life in non-religious terms and without appeals to scripture.

Some non-religious Canadians have formed associations, such as the Humanist Association of Canada, Centre for Inquiry Canada, Toronto Secular Alliance, or the Canadian Atheists.

In 1999, some non-religious Canadians signed a petition to remove "God" from the preamble to the Canadian Constitution.

Because of the legacy of Buddhism as well as Sufism and Brahmoism, many Bangladeshi Americans continue traditions of [and identify as non-religious, The TTC GM New Look bus (also known as the TTC Fishbowl) has been the work horse of the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) bus fleet.

2% as non-religious and 10.

an 'anti-clerical' and self-styled 'non-religious' state" responded violently to religious influence over society.

The government nationalised most property of religious institutions and used it for non-religious purposes, such as cultural centers for young people.

Some of his post-conversion songs depict a rather wrathful version of the Gospel, sung with such good-natured high spirits that they have an ironic appeal to the non-religious.

It was first established on 29 May 1972, as a non-religious pioneer Nahal military outpost, and demilitarized when turned over to residential purposes in 1982.

American actresses of Taiwanese descent Religion in Russia is diverse with Christianity, especially Russian Orthodoxy being the most widely professed faith, but with significant minorities of non-religious people and adherents of other faiths.

There were very few examples of secular (non-religious) architecture in Kievan Rus.

They had the same wry fly irreverent sense of humor, grew up struggling to support their families, were non-religious Jews with a liberal bent (Marx was a founding member of the Screen Actors Guild and Sheekman was a founding member of the Screen Writers Guild), loved to read and appreciated beautiful women.

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