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zygospore Meaning in Telugu ( zygospore తెలుగు అంటే)

జైగోస్పోర్, ఉమ్మడి బాక్టీరియా

రెండు ఒకేలా లైంగిక కణాలచే తయారు చేయబడిన ఒక మొక్క,


జంట, ప్రసామ్ బాక్టీరియా, ఉమ్మడి బాక్టీరియా,

zygospore's Usage Examples:

zygospore from the vegetative mycelium and in this way the zygophores become suspensor hyphae and gametangia are formed.

Meiosis is delayed until the germination of the zygospores.

yellowish-brown in color, and with branched aerial filaments that bear the zygospores.

Azygospore is an asexually formed zygospore in fungi.

found to be heterothallic and to produce naked zygospores with unequal suspensors.

sexual reproduction, a dark zygospore is produced at the point where two compatible mycelia fuse.

of karyogamy is the formation of a diploid cell called the zygote or zygospore.

Some populations form zygospores within single clones of cells (homothallic), whereas others form zygospores between different.

It is also the fungus from which the term "zygospore" was coined.

A zygospore is formed by the fusion of two gametes.

large, unbranched sporangiophores and zygospores with coiled tong-like suspensors bearing branched appendages.

sporangiospore, sporangium, spore, sporocarp, sporophyte, teliospore, tetraspore, tetrasporophytic, zygospore spele- cavern Greek σπέος (spéos), σπήλαιον.

Once conditions have improved the zygospore germinates and undergoes meiosis.

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