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whitelist Meaning in Telugu ( whitelist తెలుగు అంటే)

వైట్‌లిస్ట్, వైట్ జాబితా


వైట్ జాబితా,

whitelist's Usage Examples:

released in April 2017, but was pushed to 14 November 2018 due to the whitelist scandal involving former South Korean President Park Geun-hye.

of which proxies are trustworthy, for instance by looking them up in a whitelist of servers whose maintainers can be trusted.

network access to specific devices through the use of blacklists and whitelists.

techniques, such as checking the user"s IP address against a blacklist or whitelist, accounts, and measuring the end-to-end delay of a network connection.

or who have previously been sent e-mail(s) to, would be automatically whitelisted.

It uses a blacklist and a whitelist to determine whether the program should be allowed Internet access.

bypassing AppLocker: Writing an unapproved program to a whitelisted location.

Senders of verified valid e-mail are whitelisted.

typically performed by using either a whitelist or a blacklist approach.

E-mail can also be whitelisted or blacklisted based on phrases present in the text.

IOC voted to suspend the Russian Olympic Committee, with an option for whitelisted athletes to compete independently during the 2018 Winter Olympics.

of weapons or supplies to communist countries and helped to establish "whitelists" for preferred trading nations.

advertising companies were required to pay a fee in order for their ads to be whitelisted.

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