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whimbrel Meaning in Telugu ( whimbrel తెలుగు అంటే)




whimbrel's Usage Examples:

species over most of the curlew"s range is the Eurasian whimbrel (N.

100 bird species have been recorded, including redwings, whimbrels and bullfinches.

Whimbrel may refer: Birds: Eurasian whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) Hudsonian whimbrel (Numenius hudsonicus) Other uses: HMS Whimbrel (U29), last surviving.

It has a head pattern like a Eurasian whimbrel, with crown and superciliary stripes.

Grey-tailed tattlers (Heteroscelus brevipes), grey plovers (Pluvialis squatarola), whimbrels.

The Hudsonian whimbrel (Numenius hudsonicus) is a wader in the large family Scolopacidae.

habitat for many birds, like the great knot, red-necked stint, dunlin, whimbrel, bar-tailed godwit and the common sandpiper.

the site include; skylark, reed and sedge warblers, Eurasian whimbrel, whitethroat and reed bunting.

minutus) Eurasian whimbrel (N.

natural habitat for many birds, like the great knot, red-necked stint, dunlin, whimbrel, bar-tailed godwit and the common sandpiper.

(terek sandpiper), Limosa lapponica (bar-tailed godwit), Numenius minutus (whimbrel) and Pluvialis dominica (lesser golden plover) .

It is therefore about the same size as a Eurasian whimbrel, but it is more like the Eurasian curlew in plumage.

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