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uralic Meaning in Telugu ( uralic తెలుగు అంటే)


అల్ట్రా అల్టీకరీ భాషల కుటుంబం,

uralic's Usage Examples:

It was published as a series of articles in various academic journals from 1970 to 1989 under the collective title Indouralica.

transouralicum had robust maxillae and premaxillae, upturned zygomata, domed frontal bones, thick mastoid-paroccipital processes, a lambdoid.

The topics to be covered by each article were sketched out at the beginning of Indouralica II.


Uralic language, Samoyedic, Finno-Ugric, Finno-Ugrian, Ural-Altaic, Lappic, Samoyed, Lappish,


artificial language,

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