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uppercased Meaning in Telugu ( uppercased తెలుగు అంటే)

పెద్ద అక్షరం, అప్పర్కేస్

uppercased's Usage Examples:

If it contains a string, only the first character, uppercased, will be taken.

3 name will be an uppercased version of it.

The name is uppercased to distinguish the event from the location.

typing, readability and ease of segmentation, whereas others leave them uppercased (e.

ch, when written in title case, usually have only their 1st character uppercased, when used in all caps or small caps, however, each letter is converted.

Words per minute, commonly abbreviated wpm (sometimes uppercased WPM), is a measure of words processed in a minute, often used as a measurement of the.

his name to be written and called "MORI Hiroshi," family name first and uppercased, regardless of the language when romanized.

beginning with ki-, the letter that precedes the prefix ki- is often uppercased while the prefix itself is lowercased.

Experiment names were lowercased in the configure script and uppercased in conditional compilation flags.

uppercased's Meaning in Other Sites