upper case Meaning in Telugu ( upper case తెలుగు అంటే)
అప్పర్ కేస్, ఖాళీగా లేదు
ఖాళీగా లేదు,
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upper case తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:
ఔటర్ స్పేస్ పూర్తిగా ఖాళీగా లేదు-ఇది తక్కువ రిక్తావకాశము కలిగి వున్న కణాలు, ప్రధానంగా హైడ్రోజన్, హీలియం యొక్క ప్లాస్మా, అలాగే విద్యుదయస్కాంత కిరణాలు, అయస్కాంత క్షేత్రాలు, న్యూట్రినోలు, దుమ్ము, విశ్వ కిరణాలను కలిగి ఉన్న హార్డ్ వాక్యూమ్ .
upper case's Usage Examples:
italicised and all are upper case (SHH).
Salvador Calderón y Arana [es] was reportedly the first in using it in upper case, giving it a toponymic nature.
with every SI unit named for a person, its symbol starts with an upper case letter (Wb), but when written in full it follows the rules for capitalisation.
structure, labeled by one or two upper case letters, and whole number subscripts.
with every SI unit named for a person, its symbol starts with an upper case letter (Hz), but when written in full it follows the rules for capitalisation.
For a series of words in upper case, a colon is added: ⠒⠨⠨.
for the unaccented upper case letters, and U+0061 through U+007A for the unaccented lower case letters.
⠨⠨ is used to indicate that an entire word is in upper case.
Thus, upper case and other characters were 6 bits in length, and lower case characters.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code FK and named "FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)" in upper case or "Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]" in not only lower case short name.
In functional linguistics, a sentence is a unit of written texts delimited by graphological features such as upper case letters and markers such.
Traditionally, balloons and captions were hand-lettered with all upper case letters.
with every SI unit named for a person, its symbol starts with an upper case letter (C), but when written in full it follows the rules for capitalisation.
low, black,