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unromantically Meaning in Telugu ( unromantically తెలుగు అంటే)


శృంగారం లేకుండా; అనధికారికంగా,

unromantically తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

to Accompany Me (1994).

of the above in English Wikipedia.

of them are members of the UN:.

unromantically's Usage Examples:

once shamelessly romantic ("You look to the star and think of me") and unromantically streetwise ("Talk about Russian hands and roamin" fingers").

Equally confused, Rose turns towards the camera and unromantically says: "Oh bollocks!" and the credits roll.

"Kinderzimmer (Heldenlied)" ["Childhood Bedroom (Hero Song)"], he was blunt and unromantically detached about social reality in West Germany, and unapologetic about.

She later reveals that she is pregnant, and Boden proposes unromantically.

However, he loves her too much, and finally gives in and proposes (albeit unromantically), skipping a New Year"s party at Addie"s house to do so.

Morgan finds her and again proposes marriage unromantically.

championed the sound was a peripatetic party night called Visage, which unromantically shared its name with one of Britain"s oldest new romantic groups".

championed the sound was a peripatetic party night called Visage, which unromantically shared its name with one of Britain"s oldest new romantic groups.

"I wanted to present the Service unromantically as a way of life, men going daily to their office to earn their pensions.

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