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unpriestly Meaning in Telugu ( unpriestly తెలుగు అంటే)

పూజారులుగా, డిష్రోనర్

ఒక పూజారి కాదు; ఒక పూజారిని విస్మరించండి,

unpriestly's Usage Examples:

from the see and replaced, for political reasons, by the warlike and unpriestly Milo, who was already Archbishop of Trier.

His behaviour was so unpriestly, however, that the city council locked him into the tower in 1487, where.

In response to some who would criticize this "unpriestly" labor, Rosebaugh wrote, If our people are living in poverty and children.

Church Times referred to it as an "unpriestly book" and "careless talk" with A.

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