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twinflower Meaning in Telugu ( twinflower తెలుగు అంటే)

జంట పువ్వులు

యూరప్ మరియు ఆసియా యొక్క ఉత్తర దిశ యొక్క సతతహరిత పదార్ధం సాధారణంగా గులాబీ పుష్పం జతలలో సున్నితమైన సుగంధ గొట్టపు గంటతో జన్మించింది,

twinflower's Usage Examples:

It is a boreal to subarctic woodland subshrub, commonly known as twinflower (sometimes written twin flower).

species Dipelta: 4 species Kolkwitzia (beautybush): 1 species Linnaea (twinflower): 1 species Morinoideae Acanthocalyx: 3 species Cryptothladia Morina Zabelia.

alpine herb known by the common names alpine sandwort and twinflower stitchwort.

Dyschoriste oblongifolia is also called oblongleaf snakeherb or twinflower.

quantities of Campanula serpyllifolia, later known as Linnaea borealis, the twinflower that would become his favourite).

He gave the twinflower its Latin name based on his own (Latin: Linnaea borealis), because of.

The official emblem of the garden is the twinflower (Linnaea borealis).

a perennial alpine herb known by the common names alpine sandwort and twinflower stitchwort.

greens and exhilarating blues, of giant, slender pines and delicate pink twinflowers, of deer and mosquitoes, of fishing and guide boats and tramps through.

obtusiloba is a perennial alpine herb known by the common names alpine sandwort and twinflower stitchwort.

King of Sweden commissioned a medal to be struck with Linnaeus bearing a twinflower on the front and a dejected Cybele on the back.

Labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum), bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), crowberry (Empetrum nigrum), twinflower (Linnaea borealis), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis).

(2013), "Unequal twins? Inflorescence evolution in the twinflower tribe Linnaeeae (Caprifoliaceae sl).

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