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turbots Meaning in Telugu ( turbots తెలుగు అంటే)

టర్బోట్లు, టర్బోట్

ఒక పెద్ద యూరోపియన్ ఫ్లాట్ ఫిష్ మాంసం,



turbots's Usage Examples:

Scophthalmus is a genus of turbots, relatively large flatfish native to the northeast Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea.

The spiny turbots are a family, Psettodidae, of relatively large, primitive flatfish found in the tropical waters of the east Atlantic and Indo-Pacific.

frequenters of the Galician coast like sea bass, red gurnards, immense turbots, skates and filefish.

Zeugopterus is a genus of turbots native to the north Atlantic Ocean.

Young turbots gather in sheltered coastal waters such as estuaries, shoals and beaches, where they can survive for up to two years.

Economic Zone because the Canadian government accused Spain of overfishing turbots near its waters, triggering the Turbot War (Guerra del fletán in Spanish).

Fish of this family are known commonly as turbots, though this name can refer specifically to Scophthalmus maximus, as well.

It seems that juvenile turbots feed on copepods, but these crustaceans are too small to form a worthwhile.

hippoglossoides Family Scophthalmidae (turbots) Fourspotted megrim, Lepidorhombus boscii Megrim, Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Norwegian topknot, Phrynorhombus.

Apart from salmon and trout, Chilean aquaculture also produces turbots and molluscs, in particular Mytilus platensis (still often referred to.

The primitive spiny turbots include equal numbers of right- and left-sided individuals, and are generally.

Cultivation of mussels and turbots represents an important source of income.

The primitive spiny turbots include equal numbers of right- and left-eyed individuals, and are generally.


Psetta maxima, flounder,



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