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trochaic Meaning in Telugu ( trochaic తెలుగు అంటే)

ట్రోచాయిక్, ట్రోచిక్

లేదా కలిసి ట్రోచీలు,

trochaic's Usage Examples:

one of the two young men is associated with trochaics, the other with iambics.

the trochaic septenarius is one of two major forms of poetic metre based on the trochee as its dominant rhythmic unit, the other being trochaic octonarius.

trochaic septenarii (and also iambic septenarii and trochaic and iambic octonarii) were chanted or recited (or possibly sung) to the sound of a pair of.

will be a dah, so the string of elements will be similar to a sequence of trochees in poetry and the method could as logically be called "trochaic keying".

The entire lyrical content of the album is written in trochaic octameter, a rare poetic meter most famously used in Edgar Allan Poe"s.

Night"s Dream, Shakespeare frequently writes the lines of his fairies in catalectic trochaic tetrameter, as is evidenced by Puck"s lines, here: Through the.

The adjective form is trochaic.

marked off the identical ending rhythm of the two verses (the trochaic tripody): Solvitur acris hiems grata vice | veris et Favoni trahuntque siccas |.

Each line follows a modified version of trochaic octameter in which the last unstressed syllable has been eliminated; moreover, there.

correspond roughly to a monosyllabic tetrameter, a dactylic tetrameter, a trochaic tetrameter, and an iambic tetrameter respectively.

-] but with trochaic dimeters or "runs" added.

The English word trochee is itself trochaic since it is composed of the stressed syllable /ˈtroʊ/.

can be iambic (one of three two-syllable meters alongside trochaic and spondaic) or dactylic (one of two three-syllable meters alongside anapestic).

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