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toothwort Meaning in Telugu ( toothwort తెలుగు అంటే)


పెంగెంట్ స్కేల్ లేదా పంటి మూలాలతో నార్త్ అమెరికన్ హెర్బ్,

toothwort's Usage Examples:

Cardamine diphylla (broadleaf toothwort, crinkle root, crinkle-root, crinkleroot, pepper root, twin-leaved toothwort, twoleaf toothwort, toothwort) is.

wildlife in this area includes bluebells, woodruff, orchids, herb paris, toothwort, dormice and dippers (which frequent the waterfall).

Erythronium albidum), violets (Viola sororia, Viola pubescens), and toothworts (Dentaria laciniata, Dentaria diphylla).

There are a number of unusual plants, such as purple toothwort, marsh cinquefoil, meadow thistle and marsh speedwell.

Its spring ephemerals include spring-beauties and cutleaf toothworts.

Some rare species found here include mezereon (Daphne mezereum), toothwort (Lathraea squamaria), lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria.

to the ramsons and white, yellow and blue anemones, there are arum and toothworts.

includes dog"s mercury and bramble and other species recorded include wild madder, toothwort, lily-of-the-valley, herb paris, and bird"s-nest orchid.

Cardamine concatenata — cutleaf toothwort Cardamine digitata — Richardson"s bittercress Cardamine diphylla — two-leaf toothwort Cardamine douglassii — purple.

He performed detailed studies of toothwort and mistletoe species, including investigations of pear tree immunity.

contains species such as unspotted lungwort, Viola mirabilis, common toothwort and giant bellflower.

Cardamine pentaphyllos, the five-leaflet bitter-cress or showy toothwort, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae, native to Western and Central.

Lathraea (toothwort) is a small genus of five to seven species of flowering plants, native to temperate Europe and Asia.

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