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tokening Meaning in Telugu ( tokening తెలుగు అంటే)

టోకనింగ్, గండికుడు


బంటు, కుంభకోణం, గండికుడు, ప్రారంభం, రంధ్రం, ఐలెట్, నోరు,


ప్రాథమిక, ఉచ్చారణ, ప్రారంభం, ప్రారంభించబడింది,

tokening's Usage Examples:

Kempe: which two, when they chaunced to meete, would use such kinde embracements, such stranfe, often, and earnest tokenings, and such heartie laughtes.

down in the presence of the French and Vietnamese plenipotentiaries, betokening the renunciation by Vietnam of its traditional links with China.

and we had seen drift-wood lodged in clefts fifty feet above the river, betokening a condition of things during the summer freshet that would render navigation.

borders from which hang jewelled garlands and necklaces of lucky talismans betokening both worldly and spiritual riches.

depicted carrying the image of Jesus in his hand or close to his chest, betokening the legend of the Image of Edessa, recorded in apocryphal correspondence.

stone disinterred hereby, and a green field corrugated in parallelograms betokening old walls or an encampment.

the demesne that is called Naud, consecrated in honor of Saint Loup"—betokening the presence of a shrine already on this site, a priory under the direction.

skin color marked their inferiority and they figured as status symbols betokening the power and wealth of their owners.

the Grimani Breviary, scrolling labels identify the emblematic objects betokening the Immaculate Conception: the enclosed garden (hortus conclusus), the.

baldric, bound at his side,/ below his left shoulder, laced in a knot, in betokening the blame he had borne for his fault.

Though he described the work as "amazing" and betokening an "extraordinary precision and boldness of .

Built over 8th century walls and apsidal building beneath the naos, all betokening a Geometric date for the sanctuary.

thunderous audience applause at the conclusion, there was complete silence betokening the feelings of a mourning nation in the packed, cavernous Metropolitan.

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