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toadflaxes Meaning in Telugu ( toadflaxes తెలుగు అంటే)

టోడ్ ఫ్లాక్స్, టోడ్ రేకులు

పసుపు మరియు నారింజ పుష్పాలను కొట్టడానికి సాధారణ యూరోపియన్ శాశ్వత; ఉత్తర అమెరికాలో ఒక సహజ కలుపు,

toadflaxes's Usage Examples:

related genera include the Linaria (Eurasian toadflaxes), Antirrhinum (snapdragons) and Cymbalaria (ivy-leaved toadflaxes).

been recorded in the Forest, including thistles, knapweeds, mustards, toadflaxes, daisies, brooms, and aquatic.

Chaenorhinum minus differs from many toadflaxes in having alternate leaves growing singly.

while it may be an invasive nuisance weed in agriculture, like other toadflaxes and snapdragons, its attractive flowers make it useful as a wildflower.

Nuttallanthus (American toadflaxes, recently split from Linaria), Antirrhinum (snapdragons) and Cymbalaria (ivy-leaved toadflaxes).

genera include the Linaria (Eurasian toadflaxes), Antirrhinum (snapdragons) and Cymbalaria (ivy-leaved toadflaxes).

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