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tituled Meaning in Telugu ( tituled తెలుగు అంటే)

అనే పేరు పెట్టారు, శీర్షిక ఇచ్చింది


అనే, శీర్షిక ఇచ్చింది,

tituled's Usage Examples:

and witchcrafts, and to repeal, an Act passed in the parliament of Scotland in the ninth parliament of Queen Mary, intituled, Anentis witchcrafts, and.

parts of an act, passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty"s reign, intituled "An Act for Making More Effectual Provision for the Government of the.

part of an Act passed in thirty-eighth year of His late Majesty"s Reign, intituled, "An act for the better division of this province," and to make further.

in England in the twenty-first Year of the late King James the First, intituled, An Act to prevent the destroying and murthering of Bastard Children;.

An Ordinance To amend Chapter 3 of the Consolidated Ordinances 1898, intituled "An Ordinance respecting Elections", Ordinances of the Northwest Territories.

an act made in the tenth year of the reign of King William the Third, intituled, An act for granting an aid to his Majesty for disbanding the army, and.

so much of an Act of the Seventh Year of her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for the Improvement of the Union of the two Kingdoms, as, after.

On 2 July 1920, a bill was intituled as Daylight Saving Ordinance, 1920.

late book entituled a Peace Offering or Plea for Indulgence, and to the cavils of another, called the Second Discourse of the Religion in England, London.

60 An Act to amend the Act intituled "An Act to incorporate.

On 26 September 1932, a bill was intituled as Daylight Saving Ordinance, 1932.

unyforme quyett and godlye ordre of common and open Prayer, in a Booke intituled, The Booke of Common Prayer and Admynistracion of the Sacramentes and.

Statute of the Twenty fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled An Act for preventing Dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants,.

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