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thumbprints Meaning in Telugu ( thumbprints తెలుగు అంటే)

బొటనవేలు ముద్రలు, బొటన వేలిముద్ర

బొటనవేలు ద్వారా తయారు చేయబడిన వేలిముద్ర (ముఖ్యంగా బొటనవేలు యొక్క ప్యాడ్ ద్వారా),


బొటన వేలిముద్ర,

thumbprints's Usage Examples:

cards, and that has since been updated for some years to bio-metric thumbprints, to help solve the problem of lost cards.

is a digital photograph of the bearer"s face, and images of their two thumbprints.

of these objects, marked with black Sharpie markers, and with green thumbprints and handprints along the objects.

sixth months of hard labour for refusing to give his thumbprints and sentenced again on 11 August 1909, to six months of hard labour.

Murnpeowie meteorite, an iron meteorite with regmaglypts resembling thumbprints (Australia, 1910).

declared Abd-al Karim to be the new Emir, which was stamped with the thumbprints of men from various different tribes.

document on the institution of monarchy was attested with signet-rings and thumbprints, on that day.

number of voters of the Gram Sabha need to submit their signatures / thumbprints and petition the Collector office.

They may apply thumbprints to documents to distinguish "flesh and blood" people from a fictitious strawman entity that is subject to the government.

Murnpeowie meteorite, with regmaglypts resembling thumbprints, discovered on Murnpeowie Station, South Australia in 1910.

during card registration which includes the person"s left and right thumbprints as well as iris images.

theatrical world in which the characters were given distinct musical thumbprints that were meant to embody their personalities, and in which the dissonances.

was sentenced to sixth months of hard labour for refusing to give his thumbprints and sentenced again on 11 August 1909, to six months of hard labour.

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