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thiocyanate Meaning in Telugu ( thiocyanate తెలుగు అంటే)


మ్యూజిక్ యాసిడ్ యొక్క నూనె; ఆల్కలీన్ సైనైడ్ సల్ఫర్ సంబంధం కలిగి ఉన్నప్పుడు ఏర్పడిన,

thiocyanate తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

పొటాషియం థియోసైనేట్ – KSCN.

ఇవి కాకుండా, సైనోజెన్ బ్రోమైడ్ (BrCN), బ్రోమిన్ థియోసైనేట్ (BrSCN), బ్రోమిన్ అజైడ్ (BrN3) వంటి కొన్ని సూడోహలైడ్లు కూడా పిలువబడతాయి.

ముల్లంగి మొక్కలు ఉత్పత్తి చేసే వివిధ రసాయన సమ్మేళనాలలో వాటి పదునైన రుచితో గ్లూకోసినోలేటు, మైరోసినేసు, ఐసోథియోసైనేట్లు ఉంటాయి.

సియానోజెన్ థియోసైనేట్ – CNSCN.

ఐరన్(III) థియోసైనేట్ – Fe(SCN)3.

ఇవి నమలడం వలన అల్లైలు ఐసోథియోసైనేట్లు ఏర్పడతాయి.

thiocyanate's Usage Examples:

Mercury(II) thiocyanate (Hg(SCN)2) is an inorganic chemical compound, the coordination complex of Hg2+ and the thiocyanate anion.

Methoxysulfonyl trifluoromethane (prefix) Thiocyanate Thiocyanate RSCN thiocyanato- (-SCN) substituent thiocyanate Phenyl thiocyanate Isothiocyanate RNCS isothiocyanato-.

Silver thiocyanate is the silver salt of thiocyanic acid with the formula AgSCN.

hexamine thiocyanate is a pharmaceutical drug that has been used in nasal preparations.

The fiber is produced by dissolving the polymer in a solvent such as N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) or aqueous sodium thiocyanate, metering it through a multi-hole spinneret and coagulating the resultant filaments in an aqueous solution of the same solvent (wet spinning) or evaporating the solvent in a stream of heated inert gas (dry spinning).

Copper(I) thiocyanate forms one double salt with the group 1 elements, CsCu (SCN)2.

It is the m-isothiocyanate derivative of phencyclidine (PCP) and binds irreversibly (forming a covalent bond) to the PCP binding.

The sodium thiocyanate solution was reconcentrated and re-used.

The salts are composed of the thiocyanate ion (−SCN) and a suitable metal cation (e.

sulphobe is a film composed of formaldehyde and thiocyanates alleged to have lifelike properties.

synthesizing this reagent involves a Sandmeyer reaction using aniline, sodium nitrite and copper(I) thiocyanate.

"Structure cristalline et moleculaire du thiocyanate mercuric" Canadian Journal of Chemistry 1972, volume 50, p977-p981.

following salts of inorganic cations: carbonates, cyanides, cyanates, and thiocyanates.





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