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thallus Meaning in Telugu ( thallus తెలుగు అంటే)

థాలస్, థలాలస్

నిజమైన కాండం లేదా మూలాలు లేదా ఆకులు లేదా వాళ్ళ వ్యవస్థ లేకుండా ఒక మొక్క శరీరం; Talophytes నటించిన,

thallus's Usage Examples:

In some red algae, it may take the form of depression into the thallus.

A thallus is attached to its host by a dark-colored foot cell, through which the.

The germ tube develops into the hypha, protonema or thallus of.

It is the widest layer of a heteromerous lichen thallus.

rarely has apothecia, instead reproducing most often vegetatively via soredia, which are piled in round blue-gray mounds across the thallus"s upper surface.

exceptional cases such as the Lemnoideae, where the structure of a vascular plant is in fact thallus-like, it is referred to as having a thalloid structure.

Lecanora has a crustose thallus, trebouxoid photobiont, colourless ascospores and crystals in the amphitecium.

thallus may become lobulate (lobe-like) in age, and develop a "fringed" (fimbriate) appearance.

These can be either scattered diffusely across the surface of the lichen"s thallus, or produced in localized structures.

The prothallus develops from a germinating spore.

During the haploid phase, the thallus forms male and female gametangia that release flagellated gametes.

(Lepidostromatales)) by having a microsquamulose thallus that forms contiguous glomerules (reminiscent of a "Botrydina-type" thallus) with a cortex of jig-saw-puzzle-shaped.

The apothecia are usually immersed in the thallus.


plant structure, plant part, crustose thallus,



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