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tercelet Meaning in Telugu ( tercelet తెలుగు అంటే)

టెర్సెలెట్, టెర్రల్

మగ హాక్ ముఖ్యంగా మగ పెరెగ్రైన్ లేదా గైర్ఫాల్కన్,

tercelet's Usage Examples:

falcon tells Canace that she has been abandoned by her false lover, a tercelet (male hawk), who left her for a kite.

disfigurate, dishevel, disobeisant, entitle, facund, formel, formal, horologe, messagery, mirthless, tercel, tiercel, tercelet, tiercelet, uncommitted.

facund, formel, formal, horologe, messagery, mirthless, tercel, tiercel, tercelet, tiercelet, uncommitted, untressed, valence, Valentine, west The Romaunt.

messagery, mirthless, tercel, tiercel, tercelet, tiercelet, uncommitted, untressed, valence, Valentine, west The Romaunt of the Rose is an allegorical dream.

entitle, facund, formel, formal, horologe, messagery, mirthless, tercel, tiercel, tercelet, tiercelet, uncommitted, untressed, valence, Valentine, west.


tercel, hawk, tiercel,



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