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tataric Meaning in Telugu ( tataric తెలుగు అంటే)

టాటారిక్, తోటారిక్

tataric's Usage Examples:

The Chornaya tubenose goby (Proterorhinus tataricus) is a species of goby endemic to Crimea, Ukraine where it is only found in a short stretch of River.

Cats are known to respond to catnip (Nepeta cataria), Tartarian honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica), valerian (Valeriana.

The saiga antelope (/ˈsaɪɡə/, Saiga tatarica), or saiga, is a critically endangered antelope which during antiquity inhabited a vast area of the Eurasian.

1990 to protect the saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica).

sustained migrations of large vertebrates such as buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), saiga (Saiga tatarica), and Tibetan antelopes (Pantholops hodgsoni) and kiang (Equus.

They showed that the springbok and the gerenuk (Litocranius walleri) form a clade with saiga (Saiga tatarica) as sister.

hydroxybutanedioic acid 6915-15-7 C4H6O5 methyltartronic acid 595-98-2 C4H6O6 meso tataric acid 147-73-9 C4H6O6 tartaric acid 133-37-9 C4H6S divinyl sulfide 627-51-0.

Ixiolirion tataricum, commonly known as the Siberian lily or the lavender mountain lily, is native to central and southwest Asia from the Sinai Peninsula to.

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